Monday, June 6, 2022

LITERARY: "After a Storm" by Darein P. Catchillar


Category: Poetry

Theme: Will to Survive 

Synopsis: The actual storm always comes after a storm. But if you see people smiling even in the midst of chaos, you'll realize that life isn't truly about storms, but about the will to live.


They were curious about what was beneath the waters,

They reflected on their dormant state when they heard the sound;

Like how the greens grew massive, with quiet crosses like a field of white flowers—

The depth of the terrain caused them to go insane,

And the soil totally covered the roots that were once part of them.


They wished for a peaceful, loving existence.

They couldn't hide when they stepped afoot, however.

There had always been hope, but deep down—

You could sense their anxiety and loneliness.

But if you put food on their tables, they'd smile.


They cast nets in the water, indeed, the great forecasters of clouds and weather.

They flourished in the surf, spinning fish and catching pennies.

They represented the wind and the disasters, but also the hope and the tomorrow.

They were submerged, yet they arose and continued to seek;

They had faith for the better and comfort because they worked as if it were their hope.


When the typhoon wreaked havoc on their homes,

There wasn't a glimmer of hope; they were terrified.

But people came to see their homes—

Gloomy, uncertain, insecure, and uneasy;

But they smiled for a meal and enjoyed lit candles for supper every evening, praying that they would not suffer.


The rustle of the wind, the scamper of the roofs—some roofless reminiscences;

The children's cries, their cries for help—now some helpless misconceptions;

The sunken residential quarters, the once-mighty trees—now nothing more than rootless wrinkly eyeballs;

The passing of hopes, the diminishing of nature's mercy—now some harsh greater truths;

But who were the wonderful people if you saw them smile and cherish the crumbs of life?

—Them. They were the only ones. 

Painting: Hampstead Heath (1820) by John Constable


Published by: Julianne Andrei Batiao

Date published: June 6, 2022

Time published: 9:48 pm

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