Monday, June 6, 2022

LITERARY: "Closeted" By Aaliyah Van T. Pineda

Published by: Rhina Ruth T. Galano

Date published: June 06, 2022

Time published: 12:17 AM 

Classification: Prose

Theme: Sexuality


Being part of a community like the LGBTQ+ community is hard for everyone within it and not just one certain sexuality.

You fear that nobody will accept you for who you are, or maybe your fear that everyone will accept you but your family. You dread coming out because you never know what others will say or think of you. If you do come out, then that person you came out to will almost immediately invalidate you or maybe even cut ties with you completely just because you like a certain gender.

There are some brave members of this community who openly display and aren't afraid to show their sexuality, whereas there are those types who are the complete opposite.

I happen to be the second type.

Everyone but my family members and the adults in my life know that I am bisexual.

You just don't know what they will think of you.

My family members aren't what you would call "homophobic," but they have made rude comments that range very close to that, downgrading my hopes that they'll accept me and all of me.

Nothing hurts more than hearing the people in your life insult and belittle what you are.

I'm scared that they will completely disown me if they just knew.

And then there's the unaccepting society we live in. A society that thinks that everyone is meant for the opposite gender or sex and nothing in between. A society where people like me are looked down on for something we didn't choose to be. Society is so cruel that so many aren't even willing to accept or even so much as respect the LGBTQ+ community and the people within it.

Can you think of anything crueler? Everything about it makes me sick. 

Some others think that the sexuality "Bisexual" is just a term for indecisive people who can't choose between a girl and a boy.

They think that we are not valid just because we can't decide whether we're gay or straight. It's like claiming that a transgender person can never be the opposite gender because that isn't how they were born.

People need to learn that we didn't choose to be the way we are and that we are not different from the other people in the world. We're also human but with different tastes than most others. 

Everyone wants to live in a healthy and accepting society, but we can only dream. 

I'm sure everyone one of us is angry that others are making us into what they call "normal," but that doesn't mean we should oblige their orders. 

We are not monsters or freaks that deserve to hide away from what people hate about us. We are just like them. Flawed and human. We are not perfect, but neither is anyone else, in or outside our community. 

The term LGBTQ+ is beautiful. A community filled with colors and different types of people who will accept you and not judge you. The community isn't some freakshow that deserves to clown on. 

We deserve respect and acceptance as much as others who are different. 

(Happy Pride Month!)

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