Thursday, October 27, 2022

𝗡𝗘𝗪𝗦:“Students from Lyceum of Alabang SHS compete in Bible quiz and Academic quiz bee” by Nicole Solo

Published by: Euleen Summer Garchitorena

Date Published: October 27, 2022

Time Published: 8:10 pm

On Tuesday, October 25, the senior high students of Lyceum of Alabang were challenged to test their knowledge by competing in the Bible and Academic Quiz Bee that happened at the school's Audio-Visual Room (AVR).

The Bible Quiz bee happened first, followed by the Academic Quiz bee. The strand of Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) stood out in the Bible Quiz Bee, which made them the champion, and the strand of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) got the highest score and was entitled to be a champion in the Academic Quiz Bee.

Here is the list of winners.

Bible Quiz Bee:
Champion: Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT)

1st Place: Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS)

2nd Place: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

Academic Quiz Bee:
Champion: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

1st Place: Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT)

2nd Place: General Academic strand (GAS)

However, the said event will not happen without its judges. Ms. Jaydee Quimoy, Mr. Albert A. Maglasang, and Mr. Frederick F. Eribal were the judges for the Bible Quiz Bee, while Mr. Mark Joseph Canales, Ms. Jasmin Caasi, and Mr. Adrian Porto were the judges for the Academic Quiz Bee.

Photos by: Angel Acio, Glendaraine Tesado, and Mj Tamaray

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