Saturday, April 3, 2021

LITERARY: "Parallel" by Ashley Diane Larwa

 How long will we keep chasing pavements?

Nibbling away on their unaccountable statements?

How about looking at the ground where we still stood?

Haven't you realized that we didn't even moved?

We've been trying so hard to reach the trough,

Bending all over the place, but the dough is too tough.

We keep on failing every time we try,

And made it look like the best option we have is to be still and just lie.

But until when will we keep our words hidden?

Until when will we let the gap between us widen?

Were we really destined to fail?

Or we've just been following the wrong trail?

Was this just a big maze of things?

Built to relentlessly put us back in the beginning?

Has the door been left wide and open

Will we suffer from being such filthy rodents?

Exhausted from being caught up in so many strings,

Tired of being pitiful from so many unwanted kings,

Must we stay ducked and let the gunfire rule our time,

And let them squeeze us for every little dime?

This is an unbelievably unprecedented story.

On the run we lost our glory for some petty leniency.

But if we just know that to be the last,

Wouldn't we take everything slower than we did in the past?

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