Thursday, March 17, 2022

LITERARY: "Under The Dusk Till Dark" by Isela Ingrid Pabunan

Published by: Jan Yeasha Mendez

Date published: March 17, 2022

Time published: 6:51 PM

Category: Prose

Theme: Night

Synopsis: If every action I've shown were affection, would you understand if it all expressed the same sentence?

I noticed, the glowing beetles scattered outside our window. It was so fascinating to watch alone, so I invited you despite the fact that you were about to sleep.

When you see these magnificent creatures, I hope you wake up and noticed how beautiful they seemed.

You sat by the chair, just in front of the window half asleep. As your eyes were about to shut, a sudden streak of light reflected.

I never saw your eyes this round. It was a code I couldn't decipher, were you shocked or happy?

Avoiding the deep thinking, I instead looked outside. I was sorry if I could only give you simple things like these. I heaved a sigh.

Soft giggles started to fill the air, it was coming from you. I couldn't stop worrying. Was it just fine?

"Thank you for showing me this."

Dim lights in the busy city is so comfortable, isn't it?

We left every corner with lots of memories, not even an inch can be wasted by looking.

The raging waves slapped to the shore, despite the cold wind, I was engulfed in your warm embrace. Forever, this would be treasured.

The sky was dark, everything was perfect. I was willing to show you every great part of the night.

Reflecting on our current situation, I noticed that as the wave I was, all your troubling thoughts disappeared by my presence.

Now you were getting farther. As the tide weakened, I couldn't get any closer.

For you were the sand and every rock, and clutter were your problems. They made you feel miserable, so I produced my waves to push them away.

But now I felt as I gave you more of them. It made you distance yourself from me.

I never knew that was the first and last hug we would have.

You were now far away, but I never pushed you. All those things, I hope you understood what I was trying to say.

I knew, it was quite few but we made a lot out of it. Imagine if we were together right now, how great would it be?


Every time I recalled our moments, it felt like a cold breeze. Your smile gave me warmth.

Those simple things Impacted a lot.

Here, I stand by the sea. Not where we left things off but on a new one; far from you.

Recalling that I once had a bad dream, that made me wake up and sigh. My chest aches on the distance we had, it was almost impossible to keep up with you.

After all, bright dawn awaits after a long night. Let’s meet again, some other time

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