Monday, April 18, 2022

LITERARY: "He Mustn't Aroint" by Darein P. Catchillar

Published by: Lloyd Agbulos 

Date published: April 18, 2022

Time published: 11:15 AM

Category: Poetry

Theme: Will to Survive, Multiple Personalities

Synopsis: When someone's living inside your own, you'll know how desperate you can be to keep yourself together. 

Rib my fellow self inside my fee-grief,

I don't ever want another me to leave. 

Let him be tossed within the waves I am boiling.

And the oranges I grip to juice—

They must sweeten this malapert man.


Look me in the eyes and see no darkness.

Look him in the eyes and see all the madness.

Both of us are unparagoned—

Like as if he's above and I'm beyond below;

I whist when he fetch me with a wanion.


To bet it all gold and shimmers;

I cover my mouth and stop breathing.

To call it my heaven for a moment;

I linger on my tears and watch them freeze.

But he shall never go—he must stay.


Insteeped with his own sweat,

Bullets to run inside my head.

But when I see him in the mirror—he smiles.

I stop when it's so helpless;

I am never proud, nor must I ever be.


Between us, too perplexed—

Tell me who's the lown of my own existence.

I reave my control to this living ruth inside my calm,

But I've come too far to say that it's hard to breathe.

I seem to need him to make me beg for my own life.


Can you ever fordo me?

Fillip me with the sharpest of your knives;

Make me bleed, make me helpless.

But this is me, being you—

Reversely, you being me as we do.


An entity that no one will ever believe.

I've been your vault in the hollow deep—

And you've come to be the reason of my face with vizard;

I don't want you to be kind.

Let your wroth bleed inside me—be mad as hell!


In this parallel world we live in,

People have only seen a part of me.

He's here, living inside of me;

Another version of myself—

The ravin and the furious one.


I whisper in my dreams,

I wish to be someone like him.

But the sooner as it lanks—

It has been me casting him;

His existence living ferociously inside my veins. 

Painting: Not to Be Reproduced (1937) by René Magritte

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