Published by: Daniel Joshua E. Madrid
Date Published: February 10, 2025
Time Published: 4:12 PM
Category: Prose
Subject: Online friendship
Friendships are something I find particularly fascinating.
Your bond with someone forms in the most random time imaginable. It just happens. You can’t predict it. And once it happens, it’s up to you to decide whether or not you’d put in effort to keep that bond going. To let the flame of the candle burn until the wick no longer has the line to give.
I don’t consider myself a friendly person, and I only have a handful of people whom I consider my friends. It’s not because I have a personality and attitude that’s undeserving of a friendship, but because I generally just prefer to have a few friends close and not a large number of them.
But truthfully speaking, the only person who understands me the most and the only one who has a special place in my heart just so happens to be living on the other side of the globe.
It’s quite sad to think about, but also… heartwarming. The thousands of miles distance between the two of us is not enough to keep us apart, for our bond and love burns brighter than any other friendship I have had the pleasure of being a part of.
Often I find myself asking, “How can I miss someone I’ve never met?” during sealed moments of misery. The yearning I feel is something I’ve never felt before that it almost feels shameful. Shameful in a way that I didn’t listen to one of the many things my parents told me to do, which is “don’t talk to strangers.”
But how can I not when they don’t feel like a stranger to me at all? She made me feel seen. She understood me better than everybody else. We have the same hobbies, we share the same interests—how can I not?
She is the source of my happiness, my contentment, my rest, even though she lives so far away. Our cultures may be different, and the way I speak may be different from the way she does. There might be some obstacles along the way and a few disagreements might be thrown into the mix, but we will always keep the embers glowing, even in the strongest winds.
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