Monday, August 27, 2018


by: Immanuel Floyd Lim

After studying for eight long hours, Kevin took a calming stroll upon the newly launched “river park”. He was so amazed that he finished memorizing all the reviewers given by the strict professor of his. Upon walking through the grassy part of the park’s platform, he noticed a teenage girl pitying herself and weeping like an abandoned pet. Kevin then went to her to see what happened. 

The girl did not answer, but Kevin picked up her test papers. Then he discovered her test scores from the previous quarter, and by that, he realized that this “crying girl” is going to fail. He pulled out the handkerchief from his pockets and gave it to her. The girl respectfully accepted it and her tears began to stop when Kevin continued to comfort her and tell experiences from his past regarding the “deep anxiety” on how failing grades affected him. The girl laughed at his silly failing academic stories and shared one of her embarrassing stories as well. They ended up being friends. At that moment everything was perfect for the both of them, but Kevin felt very attracted to her, and he never stopped dreaming about her beautiful face and her hazel-brown alluring eyes from the moment he saw her.

At school, Kevin went to find her, but he remembered that he did not ask the girl’s name. He searched every class and waited for every period of dismissal. After waiting and searching for the mystery girl, he remembered that he needed to pass a 10-page essay to his “strict professor” that needed to be printed-out at that moment. He was scared that his professor will be disappointed at him. He ran up the stairs to his locker to get his supplies… Then a white folder fell upon his grasp, revealing a 10-page essay about friendship. Kevin examined the essay and recovered a pink note which said, “thank you for everything that you told me. – Kate”.

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