Monday, August 27, 2018

NEWS: Road to progressive education: LOA gets ISO certification

by: Jeremiah Luis Red

The International Organization Standardization or more commonly known as ISO is an organization based in Geneva, Switzerland and is composed of more than 150 countries. ISO is an independent, international, non-governmental organization that provides international standard accreditation to various companies and institutions. The ISO 9001 standard is governed by a handbook which consists of 10 clauses an organization or a company should comply with, to ensure quality. Clauses 1-3 are the non-auditable clauses and are the principles an organization or company should follow. The remaining clauses are the auditable clauses where the approval of the certificate will be based from. 


ISO's last visitation at Lyceum of Alabang on August 14, 2018 adds another feat to the school's history. Once more, the school is certified by ISO gaining the certificate BS EN ISO 9001:2015, an international standard. The school has no major non-conformities and only 2 minor non-conformities while the rest are points for improvement. With these, Lyceum of Alabang is able to fulfill ISO's international standard during the auditing process, making the school ISO certified and in the line of global competency.

This certification signifies that LOA's operating standard since its last certification under the ISO 9001:2008 has greatly improved, making this educational institution a place of progressive education. 

A progress in our educational system brings with it amelioration of our country's future professionals. May Lyceum of Alabang continue to stay true to its mission and vision in the years to come, and serve as a beacon of success.

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