Tuesday, May 31, 2022

LITERARY: "No way Out" By Andrea Jasmine Navarro

 Posted by: Airene Nicole Q. Pamintuan

 Date Published: May 31, 2022

 Time Published: 12:20 AM

Category: Poetry

Theme: Cyclicity

Synopsis: Everything seems to move in cycles. Are we really getting better or is the end always the same as before?


Puppets of lies danced into sensations,

Cyclical rotations went through generations,

Same hands—familar ending of destination,

They wore it as their daily kind of fashion.


Lies kept running through the same path,

Turned every thought into silence— filled the void with wrath,

The sound of their cries kept echoing in heads,

Yet, they wanted to blame the weakest instead.


Bawling, bleeding, begging,

Fed up this unending cycle,

We ran, we hid—

But seemed no way out of this cyclical sentence.

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