Friday, June 3, 2022

FEATURE: "Senior High School Research Expo 2022 webinar at Lyceum of Alabang" By Everly Tejada and Nicole Solo



To start the Senior High School Research Expo 2022, Lyceum of Alabang Inc. held a webinar for its first day of a 3-day event on June 2 via Zoom. 

The webinar started at 9 am onwards with a prayer, the national anthem, and the Lyceum Hymn, followed by the opening remarks of SHS Principal Engr. Rodrigo Calapan, and an introduction to the speakers. 

Speakers were invited for the said webinar, which consists of 3 sessions and is parallel via breakout rooms. Thenese Ruaza led the first session on "How to Present Yourself, Your Research, and Capture the Limelight: Online and Offline." Ms. Dhesmelle Legaspi led the second session entitled, "Quantitative Analysis using SPSS and APA Writing," while Dr. Rogie Royce Carandang was the speaker for the third session, "Guides to Getting Published."

After the discussions, each session had a Q&A with the speakers and the participants. A synthesis was presented, followed by the awarding of a digital certificate for the speakers.

Ms. Cheryl Gonzales led the closing remarks, followed by an announcement and photo op to end the morning session and proceed to the afternoon session of the webinar after a 1-hour break.


The afternoon session of the webinar was for the Lyceum of Alabang teachers. It started around 1 pm and ended around 4 pm. The webinar opens with a prayer, followed by the national anthem and the Lycean Hymn. 

The first session speaker was Mr. Cirilo Balao Jr., LPT, and the session was entitled, "Learners’ Diversity and Student Inclusion in Research." Students' differences were discussed here.

The second session was all about the content and pedagogy of the K-12 Basic Education Program—Research. This session explains what’s inside the research paper. The session's speaker was also a Licensed Professional Teacher, Ms. Christelle C. Burgos. The audience in the webinar was given a chance to ask questions and the speaker would answer them. 

Just like in the session for students, synthesis was also presented, and the afternoon session was closed by the awarding of digital certificates and taking pictures.


Published by: Julianne Andrei Batiao

Date published: June 3, 2022

Tine published: 1:45 pm

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