Tuesday, June 7, 2022

LITERARY: "Experimental Cyborg" by Alesana Hailey Y. Olivarez

Published by: Jan Yeasha Mendez

Date Published: June 7, 2022

Time Published: 1:23 PM

Category: Prose

Theme: Sci-fi with a little bit of Romance

Synopsis: Samantha, the daughter of two famous billionaires was being targeted by scientists. The scientists created a new drug that could make humans live immortal however, they will forever live like a robot.


Chapter 4: Where Love Fell Apart

(Part 3)

Synopsis: Lucas and Samantha were never on good terms ever since. They started as rivals in school to lovers. But, they only dated to put up a show for someone in particular. The two of them were fine with fake dating—not until one of them fell in love with the other.


It had been a day of Lucas and Samantha’s act of dating.

On the day they were going to school, all the people were stunned.

Lucas drove himself and Samantha to school. He purposely stopped the car in front of the school where most of the people were at. He got out of his car and opened the car door for Samantha.

As Samantha took a step out of the car, all the people went screaming. “Are they dating now?!” One person screamed out of romantic excitement.

Lucas stared at the crowd with shock. “We haven’t done anything special, and they already think we’re dating? This is a great start!”

“Hey, aren’t you going to park the car?” Samantha whispered. “Don’t worry, that’s automatic,” Lucas replied.

“Hold my hand,” he lifted his hand.

As they both held hands, the people screamed even louder. “They really are dating!”

“We’re already getting this much attention just by holding hands,” Lucas whispered to Samantha while smiling. “We should keep doing this in public.”

Rose just stood there, watching them as lovers. “That should’ve been me!” She ran crying.

“Wait… but didn’t we just break up yesterday?” She stopped. “My, what a playboy he is.”

“For how long are we going to date?” Samantha asked Lucas. “And my hand is getting sweaty.”

“Just bear with me for a while. I’ll let your hand go once we reach the classroom.” Lucas answered her. “But I’m not quite sure when we’ll break up.”

“How about I find out that you’re cheating on me?” She smiled as if she created such a great idea.

“What? Definitely not! That’ll just ruin my whole reputation!” He shouted.

“Shh, there are still people around.” She pulled him.

“Well, it’s your fault for bringing up such a terrible idea.” He pouted.

A few hours had passed, and it was already time for their lunch.

In the cafeteria, people started taking pictures of Samantha and Lucas having lunch. “They look so cute together!” One blushed as their camera flashed.

On the way home, “Today was great,” Lucas said to Samantha. He was driving her home.

“But Daniel didn’t have any reaction today, though.” Samantha was saddened.

“Don’t worry about that. Besides, it’s our first day.” He said. “Oh, we’re here.”

Samantha got out of the car. “Thanks for the ride home!”

Lucas and Samantha’s fake dating continued for weeks. Before they knew it, Christmas was already near.

One normal school day, Samantha saw the school’s board of announcements.

The school volunteered for a science quiz bee with the cash prize of a thousand dollars. It was said that the top scorer would be the one taking part in the quiz bee.

“Lucas! Did you see the board of announcements?” She ran to Lucas.

“I already saw it. God, good thing I was the top scorer!” His eyes were filled with stars.

“Uh… Not the expectation I was expecting but thank goodness.” She said. “It’s a pressure being in a quiz bee. There are so many things to study, and everyone’s expecting you to win. Good thing I’m in second place now.”

“That’s for you,” He showed her a book about science and physics. “Somehow, science just amazes me.”

“Whatever. Good luck on that,” She left.

On the day of the quiz bee, Lucas started getting nervous. “What if I lose?” He was trembling.

“There’s no backing out. We’re already the backstage.” Samantha pulled out some gum. “Here, maybe it’ll make you feel a little better.”

“Thanks,” he took the gum from Samantha.

The quiz bee was about to start. As Lucas went up the stage, “I-I can’t do it!” He ran down the stairs.

Just as he was going down, Samantha ran to him. “Don’t be a coward! You’ve been looking forward to this day, haven’t you?” Samantha shook him.

“Now go out there!” She pushed him to the stage. “I’ll be cheering for you!”

The rule of the quiz bee wasn’t complicated. While the host reads the question, the contestants must have their hands in the air. Once the host is finished, the first one who hits the buzzer would be the one to answer the question.

Lucas was already on the stage, and the quiz bee was starting.

After three questions, Lucas hadn't answered yet. Their school was about to lose. He was smart, yes. But his confidence when it comes to being in front of many people was low.

After seconds of him staring at the buzzer, he heard Samantha shouting.

“Lucas! I know you can do this! The whole school’s counting on you!” She went closer to the stage.

Lucas’ eyes widened. Samantha’s words gave him a little boost of confidence.

Because of Samantha, he was able to hit the buzzer every time. He didn’t give the other contestants a chance to answer after that.

After three minutes, they were already in the last question. The last question was rather tricky. None of the contestants could answer it, even Lucas.

After a moment of silence, Lucas gasped. He quickly hit the buzzer.

“And… your answer is correct!” The host announced. “The winner of this year’s quiz bee is Lucas!”

Samantha went to Lucas. She wanted to be the first one to congratulate him.

“Oh, Samantha!” Lucas ran to her.

“Lucas! Congra-“ Lucas cut Samantha. He was too happy that he carried Samantha and spun around. "I did it, I did it!" He shouted.

Samantha couldn’t say a word. She was as red as a tomato.

Because of Lucas’ happiness, he didn’t realize that he was already carrying Samantha.

“Uh… Lucas?” She patted him. “I’m getting dizzy. Mind putting me down?”

“Oh. Uh, I…” Lucas immediately put her down. “Sorry, I got carried away.”

“Never mind that. Congratulations on your win! You were so fast earlier!” She hugged him.

After a few seconds, the rest of the people in the school came to Lucas. They congratulated and praised him.

The next day, there were a lot of reporters in their school looking for Lucas. The quiz bee he joined was a high-class quiz bee and was broadcasted live on tv.

“Wow, your popularity grew a lot.” Samantha came to Lucas. “This feels like a dream,” Lucas smiled.

Because of Lucas, Samantha had already forgotten about Daniel.

A few days after the quiz bee, it was their Christmas break.

One sunny day, Lucas and Samantha were walking around an empty park.

Lucas called Samantha to go to their local park. Luckily, it was empty.

As they were walking, Samantha asked why Lucas called her to go to the park.

“I wanted to tell you about my family,” Lucas held her hand. “I’m planning on introducing you to them.”

"They live far from the city a little old fashion." He added.

“W-what?” Samantha blushed as he held her hand.

Because of their daily events, both Lucas and Samantha forgot that they were fake dating. They started acting like real lovers, even in private.

“You know, I have a little sister. Her name’s Jia. She’s a few years younger than us, but her level of loudness is the same as yours.” Lucas laughed.

“What are you talking about?! I’m not that loud!” She gave him an angry look. He continued to laugh. “Oh…” Samantha realized what Lucas was talking about.

“I thought maybe you two could hang out together. And if both of you get along, I’ll introduce you to my parents.” He said.

“Has he forgotten that we’re only fake dating?” Samantha thought. “But… I do love him already, though.”

“Oh, look, the sun had already set.” He looked at the sky. “I’ll drive you home.”

“But there are two cars?” She asked him. “I’ll just walk toward here after driving you home.” He opened the car door for her.

After a few minutes, Samantha reached her home.

“He’s starting to act differently now…” She smiled while thinking about Lucas. “He’s starting to care for me.”

As Lucas was walking to the park to get his car, he spotted Rose. “Hey, Lucas. It’s been a while.” She was waiting for him under a post light.

He sighed. “What do you want?”

“Why would you date someone after breaking up with me, you playboy.” She said. "You should've thought twice before trying to use me for money." He walked past her.

“I knew you wouldn’t answer me,” Rose smiled. “I know your little secret.”

Lucas stopped. “Keep talking.”

“You’re only dating Samantha to make me jealous, right?” She kept talking behind him. “You don’t really love her.”

Rose’s words struck Lucas. He didn’t say a word and ran to his car.

“Why… why am I suddenly treating Samantha like my real lover? We’re only fake dating.” He started questioning if he really loves her. “Does she love me too?

He just tried to forget about what happened that night.

After a few days, it was Christmas eve. He and Samantha had a Christmas party to attend at their friend’s house.

Lucas was wearing a long black coat with a gray shirt under it and dark brown pants. He had gloves tightly wrapped to his hand and wore black polished shoes. He was sensitive to the cold.

Samantha wore an orange-red buttoned and collared sweater with a black ribbon tied under her collar and a short gray skirt paired with gray stockings. She got her nails colored in beige and wore closed black heels that were 4 inches tall.

"You’re already wearing those high heels, yet you're still shorter than me." Lucas laughed.

"Oh, shut up." Samantha rolled her eyes.

Lucas couldn’t talk to Samantha that night because she was too occupied with her friends.

Just then, he remembered what Rose said to him. “Maybe I should break up with her. I don’t want to get hurt again. It would be best if I avoid love.”

Because of Rose, he didn’t want to get hurt anymore. “Besides, we’re only fake dating. She doesn’t love me.” He went to find Samantha.

“Samantha!” He shouted and grabbed her hand. “I have to tell you something.”

“Hm? What about?” Samantha asked.

Lucas took her to an alleyway where no one could see them.

“Let’s end this already.” He clenched his fists and looked down.

“W-what…?” Her heart started beating rapidly. “Why would you say something like that on Christmas eve?”

“Let’s break up. Don’t ever show your face to me.” He walked away.

Samantha gasped. “But I love you,” She stopped him by grabbing his hand. “Well, I don’t. Don’t forget the reason why we started dating.” He let go of her hand and left.

It was then Samantha snapped.

She started screaming and crying. “Everyone treats me special here. You were the only one who dared to treat me like garbage!” Samantha closed her arms.

“Well, you can't be treated like a princess forever! You need to fix that bratty attitude of yours.” He shouted back.

“Bratty attitude? You are the reason why I'm like this! Can’t you at least treat me a bit more special, too?” She cried behind his back.

“See? That's the problem with you. Your pride is always high! When you don’t get what you want, you start acting dramatic!” Lucas tried ending it in a way where Samantha wouldn’t get hurt, but he just couldn’t.

“Yeah? Well, at least I don’t commit crimes when I’m pissed.” She didn’t want to lose in a fight.

Lucas was frozen. "You don’t know anything." He left her alone in the alleyways. Lucas usually never leaves her alone in a dark place. He would drive her home every time, but he had no choice.

It was the first fight they had in a long time.

Lucas was raised in a rich family with a strict household. He didn't have any friends when he was a child since people found him scary because of his family. The way people treated him in the past was what made him in the present.

Meanwhile, Samantha ran home to her room. “I was already warned that he broke the heart of many girls, yet I didn’t listen.” She lay down on her bed. “I can’t believe my heart was broken by him.”

The next day, Lucas was nowhere to be found.

After two weeks, Samantha's Christmas break was over. Luckily, she was able to move on about what happened between her and Lucas.

On one peaceful morning, "AAAHH! I'm late for school!" One teenage girl screamed with her makeup all over her face. (—From chapter one)

End of Lucas and Samantha's past.

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