Tuesday, June 7, 2022

LITERARY: "For Him" by Ysabelle Calalang

Published by: Jan Yeasha Mendez

Date Published: June 7, 2022

Time Published: 1:13 PM

Category: Short story

Theme: Love, dedication

Synopsis: Even if you can't visible see or notice it, someone will love you to bits and is dedicated to you and only you. For no reason. No explanation is needed, they just do and are. That kind of love is only one form, but it is definitely a favorite.

Haji sighed softly as he stared at the piece of paper he was holding. In all honesty, it came off as a glare more than anything. Taping the paper on the wall, he picked his guitar and gently strummed the strings, humming a soft tune. He took a glimpse over at the piece of paper as he began playing; reminiscing about his beloved boyfriend, Toshi. Yes, the dark-haired male wrote a song dedicated to him. He, by all means, knew it was extremely cheesy.

As his thoughts wandered, a soft hue appeared on the apples of his cheeks. Opening his mouth, he began to sing the lyrics out loud; his voice soft and sweet, a contrast to his rough and gruff personality. Someday, he would gather the courage and surprise his lover with it. However, that is neither here nor there. Speaking of dates, he should plan one soon.

Haji sighed softly, placing his guitar back on its stand, and took the note off the wall, tucking it into his bag. He sat at his desk, taking out the homework he was assigned. Staring dazedly at the baffling word problems, he groaned lowly, lowering his head to the book. The teenager lazily plucked a pen from his pencil case while reaching out for his notebook. Lifting his head up, he flipped through the pages, eventually finding the right one. Haji tapped his pen on the desk as he tried calculating the equations in his mind before writing them down, taking small glances at his textbook to make sure he was using the correct formulas.

Humming a sweet melody, he attempted to finish his math homework without any distractions. But alas, it didn’t end up like he hoped it would. No, it would be eldritch if that was the case. Subconsciously, the male switched his phone on, putting his playlist on. Music always helped him concentrate, it was the particular kind that always encouraged him to finish his tasks and concentrate fully.

Taking quite the time to finish his homework, he sighed in relief. Leaning back on his chair, using his feet to stabilize the chair and himself, he closed his eyes. With his muscles lax, his mind slowly ventured to a more peaceful state. Although, would that last? He couldn’t tell, nor did he have the energy to contemplate it. From how exhausted, mentally and physically, he ended up taking a well-deserved nap on his desk. The sun slowly set, the skies hazing to a beautiful warm hue, implying it would be a wonderful night. Perhaps a little drizzle in the middle of the night.

Now that sounded relaxing enough to put his overwhelmed mind to rest. At least for the moment, that is.

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