Monday, June 27, 2022

LITERARY: "Experimental Cyborg" by Alesana Hailey Y. Olivarez


Published by: Lloyd Agbulos

Date published: June 27, 2022

Time published: 11: 05 AM

Category: Prose

Theme: Sci-fi with a little bit of Romance

Synopsis: Samantha, the daughter of two famous billionaires was being targeted by scientists. The scientists created a new drug that could make humans live immortal however, they will forever live like a robot.

Chapter 5: Meeting the Family

Synopsis: Lucas introduced Samantha to his family that he left for so long. He had a bad relationship with them, so he left. He came back to his family, hoping they had changed—but they were still the same.

After long weeks of Samantha clearing her name, the people finally treated her normally. They weren’t afraid of her anymore.

Because of Lucas’ massive amount of knowledge, he was able to skip grades and graduate early.

Lucas already graduated and started working, but Samantha hasn't done anything because of everything that had happened. So, after clearing her name, she went to school again.

She was once a billionaire, but she wasn’t anymore. Because of the incident of her turning into a cyborg, all of her family’s wealth was burned.

And so, she worked multiple jobs. But after a few days, Lucas stopped her and insisted that he would just give her an allowance every month. He wanted her to focus on her studies, just like in the past.

Lucas would constantly pick up Samantha from school, take her on trips, and eat with her in various restaurants.

They started acting just like they were in high school, but their only difference was that Lucas was already working, while Samantha was in the last year of high school.

And because they were always together, Lucas and Samantha fell in love with each other; they just couldn't admit it.

Lucas was waiting for the right time to confess, while Samantha didn't intend on telling Lucas. Because of what happened between her and Daniel, she lost confidence.

As Lucas and Samantha were eating dinner, Samantha brought up the idea of Lucas introducing her to his family.

“They live far from the city. And they're a little old-fashioned,” He said while eating. “Besides, I don’t think you would like them.”

“It’s fine. I can adjust.” She handed him some tissue. “And you got some dirt near your mouth.”

"Maybe I should introduce her," He thought while wiping off the dirt near his mouth. "It's time for me to come back. It's been so long since I last saw my family. I hope they've changed."

The next day, Lucas took Samantha to his family.

“This isn’t what I expected when you said old-fashioned…” Samantha was speechless.

“I told you,” Lucas laughed. “Come inside.”

“Oh, my! It’s been five years, Lucas.” His mother hugged him.

Lucas left his home because of his family. He couldn’t take the pressure his parents gave him anymore. He left, hoping to live a normal life.

As his mother hugged him, Samantha stood behind Lucas’ back.

She gasped as she saw what his mother was wearing. “Even her clothes are old-fashion. She’s wearing the country’s traditional clothing.”

After his mother hugged him, she noticed Samantha behind Lucas’ back.

“And who might that girl be behind your back?” She pointed to Samantha.

“I’ll explain later. Where’s dad and Jia?” He went farther inside the house.

“Oh, no. Why did he leave me with his mother!” Samantha went pale. “She looks scary.”

Lucas’ mother walked closer to Samantha. “Explain why you’re here.”

“U-uh… I’m Lucas’ friend,” She smiled nervously.

Luckily, Lucas came to Samantha. “Samantha! Come, I’ll introduce you to my dad and sister.” He held her hand.

“You too, mom. I have something to tell you.” He left her.

Samantha sighed with relief. “Thanks for saving me!”

“I knew you wouldn’t like it here,” Lucas laughed.

It was a big house, even bigger than Samantha’s old home. Lucas’ family was rich—they were just really old-fashion. They had a thing with keeping traditions.

After a while, they reached the dining room. Samantha saw Jia. “Wow, she looks just like Lucas.”

“Brother! Is this the girl you were talking about?” Jia stood up. “Here, I made rice cakes. Have some!” She smiled and went to Samantha.

Lucas, Samantha, and his mother sat down. After Samantha introduced herself, Lucas explained everything that happened.

After he told them, his parents didn’t seem to be interested. But Jia was astonished by what Lucas said. Her eyes were sparkling with curiosity about what happened next.

Lucas saw her and let out a small smile.

Jia was three years younger than Lucas. Meaning, that she was 17 years old at that time.

“Oh, it’s getting late.” Lucas prepared to leave. “We should be going.”

Lucas and Samantha bid their goodbyes to them and went outside the house.

“Wait for a while in here.” He opened the car door for Samantha. “I have something else to talk about with my parents.”

“So, is she the one?” His mother was waiting for him by the main door. “Unacceptable!”

“She’s the one I want to marry.” Lucas went inside. “I won’t marry any other woman you set me up with!”

Lucas and his mother went to talk with his father.

“You are the heir to our family; you must take the responsibility!” His father shouted in anger. “Just by the looks of Samantha made me disgusted.”

“Who will take this family’s name if we die? You are the only rightful man to take over our family’s name.” He added. “You are already in an arranged marriage. We were only waiting for you to go home.”

“What? Without even asking?” Lucas gasped. “I should’ve never gone home.”

“Your marriage will be held tomorrow, first thing in the morning.” His mother prepared to go out. “I will go talk to Samantha.”

“No!” He pulled his mother’s arm. “I am the only one who decides how to live my life. The same goes for Jia. Can’t you see how miserable she is here?”

“Show some respect to your mother!” His father slapped him.

Lucas looked into his father’s eyes with despair. “I thought the both of you would change if I leave for a long time. I guess I was wrong.”

“I’ve had enough. I’m leaving.” He went out. “And I’m taking Jia, this time. Don’t expect us to come back.”

His parents didn’t know that Lucas and Jia already planned that they would leave and never come back to their parents. Jia was waiting outside while Lucas tried to see if his parents would have a change of heart.

“What? Your leaving, again?” His mother cried behind his back. “After all the years I spent waiting for you. And now you’re taking away my daughter from me?!”

Lucas didn't say a word and went to find Jia. “I failed,” He said to Jia. “It’s impossible to change mom and dad.”

“That’s fine,” Jia patted his back. “At least we’re together again. Oh, how I’ve missed you!”

Ever since Lucas and Jia were kids, Lucas would always protect her from their parents. But after he left, she had no choice but to abide by their parent’s rules. She was never allowed to go out. It felt like a prison to her.

“Took you a while,” Samantha said as Lucas went inside the car. “What happened to your face? And why is Jia here?” She gasped.

Samantha didn’t know that a lot of things had happened in under ten minutes.

After they got inside the car, his mother went berserk behind. “Fine, then! Both of you are no longer my children. Don’t ever come crawling to me and your father when things get worst.” His mother screamed.

Lucas just ignored her and continued to drive. Jia was finally free from them.

“Just what on earth happened?” Samantha watched Lucas and Jia’s parents from the front door glass.

It took them an hour to reach the city. Jia gasped as she saw how big the buildings were.

“I wonder what kind of life lies upon me in this big city,” She thought while admiring the view from the rear door glass.

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