Tuesday, June 7, 2022

LITERARY: "Run Away with Me" by Jemina Gonzalez


Category: Prose

Theme: Werewolf, Romance, Enemies to lovers

Synopsis: Lucian and Remus have always hated each other. But when Lucian saw Remus at the verge of death, he can't help to see Remus be indulged by the flames. Will both of them survive? Will they learn to love each other instead?


TW // Mentions of blood, torture, and slight gore.


Werewolves were being hunted by special task force units working for the government. It was after a civilian witnessed a “humanoid creature” devouring the body of a young woman. 

Meters away from their hiding spot, Remus' pack saw another pack, going to the exact same spot. They ran as quickly as they could to get to the place, and the other did the same.

“We were here first,” said the leader of the other pack, an old, grumpy-looking man. 

“No, we were here first,” said Remus' father. 

“Is that so? Why don't we settle this then?” 

Not even a word after, the two packs started clashing. Transforming at will, the elders of the packs starting pounding at each other, scratching, biting, until one of them ends up battered and bruised— or worse, dead.

Remus stayed away from the fight while forcing himself to transform. Lucian, on the other hand, had already transformed and is about to attack him any moment now.

Lucian knew, he knew that Remus can't transform now that he's recovering from a previous unsuccessful fight. And never he had imagined Remus begging for his life.

“Please, spare me just this once,” Remus begged. Lucian paused for a moment, he had always wanted to kill Remus.

They heard gunshots, then silence.

Lucian cursed under his breath, he tried to run away but still, he was caught by 4 largely built men. Remus was easily captured and put into sleep.


Remus woke up due to the scorching heat he feels upon his entire body. 


All he saw was a enclosed room surrounded by flames. Feeling weaker than before, he forced himself to get up. None of his limbs are tied to the ground, yet how could a fragile boy like him get out of the huge flames surrounding him. He never felt so weak in his entire life.

He heard faint screams and shouts from not so far away. “Let me out!” the voice said. More painful screams and shouts was heard.

With his wrists and ankles tied and locked by a chain, Lucian tried and tried to get himself out. He was beaten up, punched in the face, kicked in the stomach, his limbs beaten by a large piece of wood. Blood dripping down his clothes, wounds and bruises all over his body. He was growing weaker every minute.

The huntsmen left Lucian battered and bruised, yet he didn't give up. He gathered all his remaining strength to get out of those chains. He tried once more and...

/Crack./ He did it, he set himself free.

Meanwhile, the flames surrounding Remus were growing larger as time passes. He had no choice but to squeeze himself in so that the flames  touch him. 

/Is this where my life ends?/ he thought.

He then saw Lucian running. Desperate for help, he shouted his name. 

“Lucian! Save me, p-please!”

Lucian stopped for a moment and looked at Remus, but still, he turned and ran away. He stopped again, /I can't just leave him there,/ he thought. /My conscience would kill me./

Catching his breath, he turned into a wolf again before running back to get Remus. He jumped across the flames and landed right on top of Remus. 

Remus used all his remaining strength just to climed onto Lucian's back. He held on tight as Lucian jumped on top of the flames and ran outside. They were chased until the sun came up and the huntsmen were out of their sight. 

Although tired and weak, Lucian ran and ran. Not just for his life, but for the life of the boy he just saved. After miles and hours of running, they found a small cave in the mountains. He carefully put Remus— who's already unconscious— down and turned into a human once again.

He sat beside Remus, groaning in pain caused by his injuries. 

“T-thank you,” Remus muttered weakly.

“Shut up, and save your remaining energy,” Lucian got up. “I'm gonna look for food, you stay here and hide,” he told Remus and walked away. 

Remus hid under a huge rock inside the cave, he felt a sensation of relief. He's safe now. Still weak, he fell asleep once more.


“Wake up, are you still alive? Wake up,” Lucian weakly slapped Remus' face. 

“Yes, yes, I'm alive,” Remus sat down and rubbed his eyes.

“Here, eat.”

Lucian threw a bunch of berries in front of Remus, who quietly thanked him and ate the food without hesitation. “How about you? Won't you eat?” he asked Lucian.

“I already ate a lost deer on my way back, so help yourself.”


“I wonder were they are,” Lucian sat at the edge of the cave. 

“I hope they're doing alright,” Remus said as he took another bite of the berry.

“Come here, I'll treat your wounds,” Lucian told him and tapped the space beside him.

“Treat yours first, I'm fine. And I'm eating,” Remus answered.

“Look who's talking, you were the same person that asked for my help to save your life three hours ago. Stop acting like you're fine,” Lucian retorted and walked towards Remus.

The two of them talked for the rest of the day as their hatred for each other started fading. Coming from different packs, they know it's wrong. Lucian knows it's wrong, he knows it's wrong to fall for a person from another pack. He'd always wanted to kill Remus so that he'll never be with someone else, his hatred for him rooted from intense love, from his obsession.

“I can't thank you enough, for not leaving me there and letting me die,” Remus told him.

“I did it because I don't want my conscience to kill me,” Lucian argued.


Months had passed and they still haven't found their own packs. Months have passed and they fell for each other even more, denying it everytime because both of them know that it isn't right. Both in better states, the two of them found peace in each other.

“I'm tired of searching for them,” Remus said. 

“I never liked my pack, anyway,” Lucian told him.

“I've already lost count of how many times you told me that,” Remus jokingly said. “Mind starting a pack with me, then?”

“What?” Lucian quickly looked at him, dead in the eyes.

“I said, would you like to start a pack and run away... with me?”

“What do you mean, ‘start a pack with you’?” Lucian stopped walking.

“Come on now, I know you love me,” Remus leaned towards him. 

“No, I don't.”

“Stop denying it.”

“I'm not in love with you!” Lucian finally raised his voice.

“Yes, you are.”

“Where's your proof then?” Lucian asked him.

“Here's my proof,” Remus smiled as he raised his hand holding Lucian's.

“I hate you,” Lucian said, without letting go of his hand.

“I love you too.”

Without another word, Remus' lips touched Lucian's. There in the middle of the woods— were once enemies, now lovers who are ready to start a new life. Both of them are now free to choose who they love.


Published by: Julianne Andrei Batiao

Date published: June 7, 2022

Time published: 1:05 pm

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