Tuesday, June 7, 2022

LITERARY: "DREAMS: Fantasy or Reality?" by Isela Ingrid D. Pabunan

Published by: Jan Yeasha Mendez
Date Published: June 7, 2022
Time Published: 1:03 PM

Category: Prose
Theme: Dreams
Synopsis: A term with multiple meanings that are similar in nature but differ in definition. One develops creativity, while the other is more inclined. Both can lead to a separate path, making one contemplate. But then, when did it become significant? And do our 'dreams,' as we refer to them, make us more human?


We all have something we want to achieve; we call it a dream.
Sometimes it can be surreal and imaginative, we also call it a dream.
Dreams can be about anything; the only limits are those of our own imaginations. But they cannot always be achieved in real life.
At some point, you could end up in a distorted reality. They could be made up of weird events, unusual beings wandering almost everywhere.
At the same time, you may have a destiny. You may be destined to shatter humanity or to help those who are destined to do so.
Which can possibly lead to an awaited utopia, or an unwanted dystopia.
Not only can you think of it in your deepest imaginations, but the reality is also known as a stream of probability, so maybe?
A dream can make us ruminate, and help us create a series of events that are far from the common reality.
It can open our eyes to a new world, far from the usual environment.
A place evoking the impossible.
Realistically speaking, It can also inspire us to think about what we want to make in the future. Guide us to what good the present brings.
Some say wake up, it will never show up the same for tomorrow.
Some say continue, it will wake your inner view of the impossible.
Nevertheless, the only limits of your dream are you and your own determination to make it come true. 

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