Monday, June 6, 2022

LITERARY: "Should Have Never" By Kryztelle Tugado 


Published by: April R. Despi
Date published: June 06, 2022
Time published: 11:01 AM 

Category: Poetry 

Synopsis: I made you my home, but home never leaves. After you walked away, I came to realize that I should have never. 


I should never have made a home of you. 

Wrapping you up in senseless rants I thought 

would've made you blue as I did 

Clinging ever so tightly, making my moments your own 

when your apathy was slapping me in the face 

couldn't even wait for a second to leave me alone.


Was it fun? 

Making me believe that by this time you would've figured out what you want.

Leaving tiny crumbs everywhere 'cause you know I'd lick them.

that I was everything you've ever dreamed of and hoped for 

When all I am was your runner-up.


What broke my heart was that I was contented.

When you made distance whenever your friends were around when you insisted we walk down the darker alley so that nobody would see us together when you left me alone that new year's eve so that you could dance wildly outside, 

Even when you refused to say "I love you" right after we kissed, the last time I saw you. 

Every moment with you was the best thing to happen to me. 


Love didn't affect our vision in any way. 

For I saw it all, and yet, mindlessly shrugged.

I didn't have to look for the tiniest sign of your love, but rather, the lack of it. 

Because now, looking back, every single moment was. 


I should've never made a home for you. 

Not when you had two eyes and still could not spare a glance at me 

Not when you had a mouth that lied.

Not when you could stand up and walk away whenever you feel like it.

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