Monday, June 6, 2022

LITERARY: When a Dystopian Lights Up a Hope by Darein P. Catchillar


Published by: Renz Mar M. Mangana

Date Published: June 6, 2022

Time Published: 10:42 AM

Category: Poetry

Theme: Illusion of Progress 

Sypnosis: The current changes may be the cause of our greatest failure. But maybe if we fix the concept and live more methodically, we might be able to save what we have right now.

In truth, this is a slice of life—full of strife,

The weatherman does seem to understand;

When a baby whines—one may succumb to lowlife,

They won't care to give a hand—just be there and stand.

People prefer a smattering of crumbs.

Prone to a large ant colony;

And then they mature, but some die.

For such progressive triumphs, the great unwashed are present.

Mehercle, intellect and breath ascending!

It does not necessarily result in victories, but rather in erasure.

However, extreme expansion may bring about such threats—

Not all minds are as brilliant as this.

The desire to exert control over the boundaries of tomorrow,

And the impetus of transformation occurs;

Success may be greater than the number of people—reject such anguish.

And it must be done, it must be confronted.

A terrain that attests to all of the leagued plans,

Follow these steps to understand the essence of solidares.

Their success is dependent on balanced utopians.

And their eagerness results in the best of flares.

Among all the irresistible forces of growth and change—

Only the flourishing of economics is to be haught about;

People should be guided by success if they are to change for the better.

In the worst-case scenario, the dynamics should contour the baffle of controls.

Painting: Guernica (1937) by Pablo Picasso

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