Friday, January 21, 2022

LITERARY: There's a Big Thing Ahead of Us by: Darein P. Catchillar


Category: Prose

Theme: Loss of Innocence

Sypnosis: The point at which we will all experience the greatest uncertainty is one that we will never anticipate. Each step forward will bring us into contact with something that feels really dangerous.

There's a big thing ahead of us. Something we have no control over and cannot touch. We're not even able to hold it. It is larger than our palms. It is larger than anything and everything.

There's a big thing ahead of us. The fear has taken over my life. I think I will never experience it again, but it has taken over me. So uncertain, it makes me want to put a stop to everything. To appeach, I don't have somebody to go to court with. What exactly is coming is unknown to me.

There's a big thing ahead of us. I will never acknowledge being a cockney. Let alone the truth that I'll never be able to have everything. But I have a strong sense that it is on its way. Some form of dole. It is something far greater than the void.

There's a big thing ahead of us. Care to realize how insignificant we are but so enraged that we kill our own people. Still, there's a big thing ahead of us. It's something I'll never know. Whether I'm heading towards it or it's walking towards me, I feel like it's the latter.

There's a big thing ahead of us. Don't call me a fool. I don't even mammer what I feel. Babies will cry, and each person will vanish. It is just really something bigger than us. We have no idea what it is.

There's a big thing ahead of us. It can be an immoment fleeting moment or a jovial one. I don't even tell lies. It disturbs me to this day. We're haunted by it. Our breaths are taking us away. Our deeds are to be discarded. It will make a request in return. Something that is larger than us and our abilities. Something far greater than me. Something that is greater than everyone else.

There is something really big and monumental ahead of us, without a doubt. However, for the time being, I'll sleep. I must tarry this big unknown. Neither gainsay nor glose are allowed in my presence. It is just really a big thing ahead of us. We'll die, but there's a lot more ahead of us than we think. Regardless of whether we choose to breathe or not, it will haunt us. It is within the trails, the music, the guns, the wind, and the maze. It is what we achieve. It is what keeps us awake at night. The concept is intriguing. The desire is a strong motivator. We'll vanish, but it'll never leave us alone in our nightmares. A big thing ahead of us.

Artwork: From "Vorticism Art Movement" entitled "The Inferno" by Wyndham Lewis (1912-1915)

Published by: Ysabella Charis Vaila 

Date published: January 21, 2022 

Time published 12:07 pm 

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