Thursday, February 24, 2022

LITERARY: Dean's Heartbreak by: Ysabelle Calalang


Classification: Prose

Theme: Heartbreak

Synopsis: The story of how Dean de la Cruz fell in love and got his heart broken before he even got the chance to confess.

Shoving his notebooks in his bag, Dean scurried off to Class 2-B with a hidden soft smile. He was 

humming softly to himself as he made his way to the door, knocking and sliding it open afterward. 

He stopped his humming and leaned on the doorway, eyes trailing over the person he was looking 

for Hajime. 

The guy he'd been in love with for almost a year now.

The guy he was willing to risk it all for. And the guy he was taking to Paris in a bit. Hajime perked up 

and smiled brightly, slinging his bag over his shoulder as he walked over to the silver-haired male 

and bumped his shoulder against his.

"Hey, Dean! What's up? You rarely meet me here."

"Hm, that's because a lot of your classmates are too noisy for my liking. Besides, remember what day it is."

"Good thing it's just the two of us here then." Hajime beamed at him as Dean nodded, giving him a 

rare small smile; causing the male next to him to cheer, happy to see him smile. "Of course, I know 

what day it is!" The blonde pouted at him, though it was obvious he had forgotten. The taller of the 

two hummed, beginning to walk away, lazily gesturing for him to follow. Of course, Hajime happily obliged.

Once the two of them left the gates of the school, a limo was waiting for them. Dean opened the 

door for Hajime, causing him to pout at him but got in as the latter followed soon after. Click. The 

car door closed and locked after he got in.

After putting on some music that was popular nonetheless, the journey to the airport began. Hajime 

turned to Dean and started to chat, satisfied with even just small replies coming from the silver-

haired male. Moments passed and they had finally arrived at the airport.

Dean got out first, Hajime following after him as the chauffeur got their bags out; they had packed 

their things a few days prior and had them stored in the trunk for this very day. Making their way to 

the private jet, they both got in and sat next to one another.

Their luggage got settled in, and in a few moments, the jet took off, heading to its course. It was a 

Friday afternoon when they left, and it was a Saturday afternoon when they finally arrived at their 

destination. Hajime whined and pouted as he was dragged out by Dean, crossing his arms as they 

both got into another limo; their luggage had already been put in the trunk.

After a couple of minutes, they finally arrived at the luxurious hotel. Once again, the silver-haired 

male had to drag the drowsy blonde inside and up to their room. Luckily, their luggage met them 

there. Hajime was shoved onto a bed, causing him to jolt and fully wake up. Blinking repeatedly, he 

rubbed his eyes and looked around.

"We're finally in Paris!"

"We have been for the past thirty minutes, you idiot," Dean replied, but the 'idiot' was said a little 

endearingly, causing Hajime to laugh softly. The blonde grinned and flopped back onto the bed, 

staring up into the ceiling before getting an idea. Dean narrowed his eyes at him, instantly knowing 

he was up to something; and he was right, of course.

Hajime stood up suddenly and grabbed Dean's wrist, dragging him over to the balcony. They were 

both jet-lagged, but they most definitely enjoyed the view of Paris, especially the Eiffel tower. 

Suddenly, the short blonde turned to him and gave him closed-eyed smile; it took away Dean's 

breath, but of course, it wasn't obvious. Especially not to Hajime.

No. If that were the case, then surely his close friend would've noticed just how whipped he was for 

him. But nothing. Still, the support course student didn't mind. He never did. He was the Ice Prince, after all.

"I want to thank you," Hajime started, tucking a strand of strawberry blonde hair behind his ear as he 

looked into Dean's eyes. "For taking me here, for being my friend..for basically everything. You've 

been such an amazing friend and person, despite what other people say or think."

"You don't have to then—" Dean was interrupted by an adorable glare from his friend.

"Of course I do! I..also wanted to thank you for giving me the courage. I've been so worried over 

wanting to confess to Yua-" What. Oh god. "—and now because of you, I finally can! On Monday, of 

course, I can't confess to her when we're in Paris," Hajime joked, giving Dean a sincere smile with a 

lovestruck expression..that wasn't for him.

Right. He was so stupid. There was absolutely no chance Hajime would've been in love with him. 

Hajime, the popular and bright student from the hero course, in love with him? As if. And yet, he 

couldn't blame him for that. For his heartbreak. Love was love. It shouldn't and never should be 

forced. This was fine. He could handle this.

"Well, anytime. I'm glad you finally got the courage to confess to her. I wish you luck when you 

confess to her," Dean told him, forcing his voice not to waver. He faked a small yawn. "I'm going to 

go shower now." He gave him a small wave and went back inside, hurriedly getting some clothes out 

from one of his suitcases before heading to the bathroom.

Once he made it inside, and after locking the door, he slide down and hugged his knees tightly. He 

covered his face as teardrops started to escape his eyes, pitifully sliding down his face as he muffled 

a small sob. God. What a wonderful start to their trip.

Dean didn't want him to be suspicious, so he sucked it up and proceeded to take a quick shower. 

After getting dressed, he stayed in the bathroom for a bit longer; just blow-drying his hair. A frown 

was shot at his reflection as he took in his puffy, red eyes. He sighed softly as he brushed his hair and 

turned off the blow dryer. He clicked his tongue in annoyance, realizing Hajime would notice it.

Oh well. He'll just come up with a lie if the blonde asked. Upon unlocking the door and walking out, 

Dean noticed Hajime sprawled on his bet, clearing snoring quietly and even drooling a bit. He sighed 

softly, smiling bitterly as he put his dirty clothes away and hung up his towel before draping the 

blanket over Hajime's sleeping body.

Dean sat down on his own bed, glancing over to the reason why he was heartbroken. He silently laid 

down and just stared aimlessly up at the ceiling, waves of emotions swirled in his eyes as tears 

pricked them again. He blinked repeatedly and took a shaky deep breath. He gulped and placed his 

right arm over his eyes as he forced himself to relax.

At least he didn't have to explain the red, puffy eyes to Hajime. God. He hated the fact he couldn't 

even get angry or blame him because he know he couldn't; it wasn't the blonde's fault. No. All he can 

do right now is get through this trip and pretend everything is okay. Even if it means lying to himself 

and to the pretty blonde.

Maybe he was the stupid one, Dean mused to himself as he removed his arm, eyes adjusting as he 

stared at the ceiling once more. His lips quivered as a sob was pushed down. He shouldn't cry right 

now. And he won't. What he was going to do was force himself to sleep it off. He was going to need 

all the energy he can get since he knows Hajime was going to drag him around after waking up from his nap.

Huffing softly, the silver-haired male rolled his eyes. Heartbroken and still thinking and practically 

swooning over Hajime. What an idiot. Well, he supposed you didn't get over someone that quick; 

nor could you get over being heartbroken that quick, no matter how much you try. You have to let it 

happen naturally, and not force it. He knew that, but he can still hate it. Whatever.

After being exhausted from breaking down in the bathroom, and having melancholy thoughts, Dean 

fell asleep. A cold, empty sleep. Fortunately or unfortunately, he was awakened by excited shaking 

from the golden retriever turned human known as Hajime. He rubbed his eyes as he yawns softly.

Published by: Jahzara Jera P San Miguel

Date Published: February 24, 2022

Time Published: 4:27PM

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