Sunday, February 13, 2022

LITERARY: "Engraved Hearts" by Juliana Agbulos

It was neither forced nor coaxed. 

It was always unsolicited, 

And could make you gaze at the heavens in bewilderment. 

I once thought that it would only make you live in a world of make-believe, 

Just like what Austen and Brontë did. 

But the moment I heard the doves warbling, 

I swiftly knew that I was almost home. 

Thou drowned me in thy warmth under the moonlight, 

While I painted thee with colors I never knew existed. 

The embers of a galaxy in thine eyes, 

Wordlessly spoke the deepest darkness; 

And divulged the beguiling Albiorix living in thy soul. 

With thee, I didn't have to hide the thorns in my roses, 

And that was the most beautiful memory of our story. 

Painting: Sunset over the Golden Horn (1866) by Ivan Aivazovsky

Published by: Lloyd Agbulos 

Date published: February 13, 2022

Time published: 6:07 PM

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