Wednesday, February 16, 2022

LITERARY: "A Faithful Encounter" by: Aaliyah Van T. Pineda


Classification: Prose

Theme: Friendship

Synopsis: Rio Wright attempts to befriend the cold and blunt Levi Livingstone, only for him to find out that he was less than interested to make even one friend.

(This is a backstory between Levi & his best friend, Rio Wright, and how the two boys met. It will occur when the two were only twelve years old. This prose will be from Levi's perspective.)


"Excuse me!" a lively voice called. I lifted my head from my desk, only to see a boy the same age as I was standing next to me. He had light blue hair and looked to be about 5'3".

The boy was the new student that transferred today from whatever school he said earlier. "From my knowledge, our families happen to be acquainted with each other!" he excitedly explained. "What is your point?" I coldly asked. I had no time to converse with this thing. "Would you like to be friends?" he asked.

I stared at him, almost letting out a laugh. This boy's name was Rio Wright. Rio's family happens to be acquainted with mine, seeing as the Wright family was a wealthy high-class family like ours, following that with the fact that the family was also a powerful military family. Like ours. It was almost as if the Wrights were my family's doppelgangers.

However, despite the title of this boy, I held no interest in becoming "friends" with him. I hated people."I have a better idea," I stated, making Rio's eyes sparkle. "How about we go about our day and forget that we ever had this half-arsed conversation," I spoke before getting up, walking away. I heard Rio gulp, and he ran towards me as he pleaded, "Please wait, Levi! I just transferred here, so having a friend would be lovely!"

"Did your parents tell you to make friends with me so I can lift the reputation and title of your family?" I asked in an accusing tone as Rio managed to catch up to me. "Heavens no!" he answered. "I sincerely want to be friends! I promise I won't leave you! And I can help you with your classes!"

I turned my head to him before saying, "I do not require anyone to help me with my studies! I have a family for that. And give me a good reason of why I should even be friends with you?" The boy thought about it for a moment. "Because...I want to?" he answered with such a pathetic reason. I glared at him and said, "Good day," before walking away to my classroom and shut the door to his face.

He didn't leave me alone after that whatsoever. Rio continued to harass me during lunch. Rio sat at the same table as me and attempted to strike a conversation. "I like it here, in your school. It was half the size of my family's mansion!" he said. I ignored him as I continued eating, although I was stopping myself from throwing my bowl of mash at him. "How long have you attended here?" he suddenly asked me. I answered by scowling before continuing to eat my food. Rio awkwardly laughed at me. "My mum and dad always told me amazing stories about your family." He smiled. "They say how great and amazing your parents are!"

I nearly spat out the water I was drinking when he mentioned that my parents were "amazing" people when in reality they were far from it. "Okay, what do you want?!" I impatiently exclaimed. Rio answered, "I want your friendship." I playfully rolled my eyes and strictly reminded, "I will not state this again! I have no interest in making friends! There are other students on campus, so why do you insist on asking for a friendship in particular?!" He stared at me and looked at his uneaten food. "Did my family do something to you? Why do you hate me?" he sadly asked.

I sighed, rubbing my temples. "I do not hate you, Wright. I am just irritated that you keep asking to be friends with me when I already told you that I have no such interest. And your response does not answer my question earlier!"

"I want to be friends with someone like me. You in particular because other students have always said that you're always alone, so I wanted you to have someone you can talk to!" Rio smiled. My eyes widened at him. Nobody had ever had the interest to make friends with me before...well, at least not genuinely. Which was one of the reasons why I distanced myself from anyone who came too near, and why I kept to myself a lot. I didn't just trust anyone, especially those with titles like Rio. Because if a person below the rank of my family were to ever be close to me, they could easily make me lift their status and reputation without me even doing anything. They just had to be close to me.

But following that, people usually stay out of my path because they were far too frightened to even approach me. I gave off quite a menacing aura. Nonetheless, I shrugged off Rio's sentence and continued eating as if I didn't hear him. The boy laughed and spoke, "Well, I promise you this, Levi Livingstone, we will eventually grow closer and win each other's trust and then be good friends!"

I sighed and mumbled to myself, "This is going to be a long year..."

Published by: Ysabella Charis Vaila 
Date published: February 16, 2022
Time published: 1:37pm 

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