Wednesday, February 16, 2022

NEWS: US CDC study claims that getting vaccinated during pregnancy can protect babies after birth. By: Jacqueline Nicole Solo

The study that was published by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that getting vaccinated against COVID-19 during pregnancy can protect the mother and her baby. This protection appeared to be greater in infants whose mothers were vaccinated later in pregnancy.

During a press conference, Dr. Dana Meaney-Delman, Chief of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's infant outcomes monitoring research and prevention branch, told reporters that, "the bottom line is that maternal vaccination is a really important way to help protect these young infants." Today's news is highly welcome, particularly in the backdrop of the recent increase in hospitalizations among very young children, "

Also, she added that, "For other diseases like flu and whooping cough, vaccination during pregnancy provides protection for infants during the first six months of their lives, a period when infants are at high risk for severe illness, but when they are not yet old enough to get vaccinated."

The study states that COVID-19 antibodies are likely to be passed from mother to baby across the placenta during pregnancy. Vaccination during pregnancy also reduces the risk of infant hospitalization by 61%.

COVID-19 vaccination rates among pregnant women in the United States are improving, and vaccination poses no risks to pregnant women, according to Dr. Dana Meaney-Delman. 

The study, however, did not include information on the effectiveness of booster shots or on mothers who had been vaccinated prior to pregnancy.




The New York Times

Published by: April R. Despi

Date published: February 16, 2022

Time published: 1:49 PM

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