Monday, February 14, 2022

LITERARY: “Love Affair” by: Aaliyah Van T. Pineda


I fiddled with the glass of whiskey in my hand as I stared at the table, waiting for my best friend to arrive. I had called him the previous night and invited him to a private bar to talk and have a drink. The barman refilled my glass before asking. "Waiting for someone, mate?"

In response, I nodded and spoke, "He should be here any minute." Then, the door opened and entered the man I was expecting. He noticed me and walked over. "I'll take a glass of beer." He said to the barman. "Levi! I'm glad you could come out with me today." I smiled at him as he took off his jacket and placed it on the counter before he sat on the chair beside me. "My schedule was clear, and you and I haven't gone out in a while, Rio," Levi spoke before the barman gave him his drink. He drank the alcoholic beverage as I chuckled. "How is work?" I asked before drinking the rest of my whiskey, then the barman quickly refilled it. Levi hummed. "Been dreadfully busy as always. I'm knackered..." he answered and held up the glass in his hand. "But, I have taken a load off my shoulders for the past week."

"Cheers to that, mate." I smiled, and we clunked our glasses together as we both drank the alcohol inside. "How about you?" Levi asked. "I've also been bloody busy." I sighed. "I've only cleared my schedule for today, but I hardly had any time to myself for the past week."

He then eyed me suspiciously, as if he was trying to force me into confessing a crime. "Is that true?" he spoke. I stared at him in confusion. "Because I have noticed that you have been spending an awful lot of time with my sister, Aimi. Is there something I should know about?" Levi questioned and drank his beer. I felt my cheeks flush as my mouth slumped open. "Blimey Levi! Just what are you attempting to imply here?" I nervously asked.

"I'm not trying to imply anything! I am trying to get across that I believe you fancy my sister," Levi claimed and pointed at me. I gulped before exclaiming a little too loudly, "Rubbish! I recently just got out of a relationship with your cousin, mate! Why in the world would I enter another one but this time with your sister!"

"EXACTLY! First, it was my cousin, and now my sister, whom you were close to BEFORE you even entered a relationship!" The dim nuisance stated in a loud volume. Just then, the barman walked up to us and explained in a visibly irritated tone, "Lads, do keep your voices down. Other people are drinking here." I quickly apologized before drinking my alcohol as Levi did the same. After the barman left, I sighed and scoffed, "Is there a way I can deny it?"

"Not at all. We've known each other ever since we were twelve. I know you far too well." Levi spoke. "Rio," he then called my name. I looked at him and hummed. Levi stayed silent for a moment, seemingly hesitating to say anything. He then finally spoke, "What precisely happened between you and Aimi the night she visited you and didn't go home until the morning?" My eyes widened in shock. I couldn't say anything as I felt my face becoming redder and redder. Levi smirked and shook his head. He drank the rest of his beer and said, "Judging from that 'brilliant' expression on your face, I already know the answer."

I couldn't deny it anymore. I was in love with his older sister, Aimi. She recently divorced her cheating husband. That's why I didn't want to start anything with her just yet. But she visited me one night about a week after her divorce, and one thing led to another. Levi deeply sighed and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Don't be upset, Rio." He gently said. "Don't think I'm furious because you and my sister are together, but...why didn't you or Aimi tell me?" I let out a heavy sigh, now feeling a tad bit guilty that I didn't tell my best friend that something has been going on with me and his sister. I looked Levi in the eyes and answered, "Your sister and I didn't want to draw attention to ourselves, and seeing as though both of us recently left a relationship, we thought it would be best if we told you a bit behind time."

Levi looked at me before requesting the barman to pour him a glass of whiskey. "How long have you fancied my sister?" He asked after his drink arrived. I looked down at my glass as I answered, "Ever since I met her, but I just never said anything. I thought that she wouldn't notice or fall head over heels for someone like me, but it never bothered me though, as a child and teenager at least. When I was still young, my feelings for Aimi were small and rather faint, but I still tried to get her attention. I failed. When Aimi entered a relationship, I decided to not bother anymore and start dating others."

I drank the rest of my whiskey and continued, "And then, I met your cousin. I did love her, considering that we lasted for four years, but even now I can't deny that a part of me did still have feelings for Aimi even if I was in a relationship. But your cousin was such a lovely woman, so I do not regret dating her."

"What do you see in Aimi anyway?" Levi questioned. "A lot of things," I answered. "Aimi is a lovely and smashing young woman. She's kind and gentle...she caught my eye the second I saw her." Levi hummed in response as I felt my face blushing again. "She's older than you, do you remember?" he commented. "Only by two years, so it doesn't matter!" I stated. I let out a deep sigh and looked at Levi. "Are you upset that I am in a relationship with your sister?" I questioned. Levi shook his head as a response and spoke, "I am not, I'm glad because now I know Aimi is in good care and...I can be sure that she will never have to experience what her ex-husband did to her again. She will receive the sincere love and affection she deserves. I trust that you will make her happy, Rio. We are friends, correct?" I looked him in the eye and smiled.



Photo: Pinterest

Published by: Julianne Andrei F. Batiao

Date published: February 14, 2022

Time published: 11:19 am

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