Saturday, February 26, 2022

LITERARY: "These seasons, I wait" By Isela Ingrid D. Pabunan

Published by: April R. Despi

Date published: February 26, 2022

Time published: 9:24 AM

Classification: Prose

Theme: Cycle of life and death/Seasons

Synopsis: Your unfaltering slumber, I ponder when to end. Every piece of you I miss, until when will I wait to feel your kiss?

"Isn't it too early to leave yet?"

Those were the last things I said before he pecked my cheeks goodbye. He was still that stubborn person I knew. He never even listened. 

Now the season started, flowers scattered everywhere and the pond shined against the sun. I snapped some branches and collected them to form a bouquet.

I covered it with an orange ribbon, the way you do. The vibrant color glimmered as I strapped under the sun. 

"Don't look yet, you'll ruin the surprise."

Fine, I said. I had enough with his games. I just wanted to see, why couldn't he just—

"Turn around!"

My dress twirled as I faced him, holding out flocks chrysanthemum along with marigold and plumeria.

"What, they looked out of season!"

I chuckled, remembering the time you gave a bouquet in summer. It looked like it was starting to die. Until now it was kept. Not as the whole, but renewed as a fragrance.

That would happen again, and I didn't want that. I searched for a glass vase and splashed water for sure it will keep its freshness.

I put it by your doorstep, left it there until it bloomed. You never got to gift me fresh ones, so I would do it.

I poured your favorite tea, as I did on your wake. But now I was wondering when do you plan to rise? 

It had been quite a while until when did I intend to look for the spring and summer alone?

A memory flashed. You and I were sleeping side by side when I looked into your sleeping face.

My mind wondered aloud, why were you so pretty?

You giggled and continued to sleep. I thought you heard me but it was just a dream. I wanted to know what was your notion at those times.

Now, I was in your room; resting. I could feel you spooning me. With that, you just slept so easily.

"What do you dream of? Would you mind telling me after your deep slumber?"

I whispered, knowing nothing would be heard in response. The wind growled through the night, to which I expected to be dead silent. We were sleeping together, in the same cushion and position. Yet I couldn't feel you.

Two seasons had passed, and I decided to draft a letter. It contained the poem you had fallen in from that day on.

'When in a season, I failed to face,

Would you mind repeating the words

I've loved ever since?'

You never told me to underline anything, but now I did. I placed it in your mail slot. Promise to read it to me when we meet.

The cold air came again, another end right? When did you even plan to read it for me? I was getting more impatient.

I could feel the chill between my bones. I knew I needed to hug you.

"Hey! Until when do you plan to sleep?"

My tone dropped as soon as I reached the last sentence. I was here. I planned to visit you because you never planned to come back.

Tears trickled down my eyes to my chin. Didn't you get that I miss you? Didn't you promise to come back after a long time…

"Isn't it too early to leave yet?"

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