Monday, March 7, 2022

LITERARY: "Older sister" by Ley Anne Caringal


Published By: Julianne Rose M. Laureano
Date Published: March 7, 2022
Time Published: 5:00 pm

Category: Prose 

Theme: Older sister’s love 

Synopsis: Kina being the eldest share her hardships as the older sibling.  

Being the eldest wasn’t easy at all. No, you didn’t get them to follow you around. But it was the other way around. As the eldest, you need to look out for them, understand them, love them, teach them, and many more.

“Ate, can you please teach me math?” 

Not only that. But as the eldest, sometimes, you don’t have enough time for yourself.  

“Sure,” I said. I put down my pencil and smiled at my sister. I can do my homework later.  

An hour passed and my sister finally got it. I went downstairs and cooked our dinner since no one will do that for us. Our mother died, it’s only me and my sister left in this big house. Our father left us since I was a baby so I don’t know what he looks like.  

I placed Kimmy’s food right in front of her and finished my homework. I still have a nightshift in 7/11 near us. No one is supporting us financially and I need money to feed my sister and me.  

As I finished my homework, I changed to my work clothes and called our neighbor to look out for my sister. I’m actually glad that we have a neighbor who is good to us and check us every day.  

It was already 12am and as expected there are travelers at this time. I look around and saw a complete family choosing what to buy. I want to wish for a happy and complete family but it’s like wishing for something I already have.  

“I’m going home,” I said and face my co-worker. I bought two chocolates and a banana juice for my sister.  

As I got back, I saw my sister and our neighbor watching SpongeBob.  

“I wish ate is here,” I heard my sister said. I smiled and put my bag down.  

“Who said I wasn’t?” She turned around happily and run towards me. “Here’s my pasalubong.”  

I waved my goodbye to our neighbor. I let Kimmy finished her food before tucking her to bed.  

“I love you, Ate.” 

“I love you more,” I said as I kissed her forehead. 

My sister is my safe place and that won’t change. It’s hard sometimes, yes. But she’s the reason why I’m still fighting and still going. I will my family alive. I looked at the night sky, “Thank you for giving me a cute little sister Ma. I will continue to work hard.”

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