Saturday, April 23, 2022

LITERARY: Experimental Cyborg by Alesana Hailey Y. Olivarez

Published by: Ysabella Charis Vaila 

Date published: April 23, 2022

Time published: 12:43 pm  

Category: Prose

Theme: Sci-fi with a little bit of Romance

Synopsis: Samantha, the daughter of two famous billionaires was being targeted by scientists. The scientists created a new drug that could make humans live immortal however, they will forever live like a robot.

Chapter 3: An Unexpected Return

Synopsis: Samantha was thought to be disappeared a long time ago but she suddenly appeared in the city she once destroyed. Will she be able to live a normal life again?

"It feels so good to be back!" Samantha made a scandalous entrance into the city. Although Lucas already injected the cure into her, she hasn't fully recovered yet. Some of her body parts were still made of steel and her brain still contains a small amount of desirable murder.

People were terrified. They started running in circles. "Oh? Why so scared?" Samantha started shooting laser beams that could destroy a whole surface. She thought of it as a toy.

Ever since Lucas injected the cure into her, Samantha acted like a kid. He could see the innocence in her eyes while playing with the laser beams. "So this is the side effects professor were saying." He sighed. "It sure would take a while for her to retrieve her old self."

"Samantha!" Lucas shouted. "Eh?!" Samantha ran away from him. "I don’t want to be with you, meanie!" She threw a tantrum. Lucas let out a loud sigh. He tried to catch Samantha. They ran for quite a while.

"Hah! Caught you!" He shouted with pride as if he achieved something so important. "WAAAH! Let me go, let me go!" She screamed repeatedly while trying to get out of Lucas' arms.

"You're not going anywhere," he smiled evilly. He somehow felt superior taming Samantha.

The city was still under construction. Lucas didn’t know where to stay while helping Samantha recover. "I need to distance Samantha from the people for the meantime," he said.

As luck would have it, Lucas found a place to stay. "We're staying here until you go back to normal," He told Samantha. "I don’t want to be stuck with a jerk like you!" Samantha made a pouty face while being teary-eyed. "Whatever! It's late. Go to sleep." He tucked her into bed.

"Why am I being so nice to her all of the sudden?" Lucas went out for a smoke. "I would do anything for the sake of my country but, why do I have to be with her?"

He went back inside the small apartment they were staying at. He saw her sound asleep all over the bed, snoring loudly. "This brat." He mumbled.

It was a very small apartment. There was only one bed, so he had no choice but to sleep on the floor.

The next morning, "AAHH! Where am I?!" Samantha rolled herself in the blanket and sat on the corner. "It’s still early in the morning. What's with the racket?" Lucas came inside the room while covering his ears with both of his hands.

Samantha was speechless. She gave Lucas a confused look. "Oh, you got your senses back. That was fast," he smiled. "I finally won’t have to deal with your annoying tantrums."

"Tantrums?" She asked. "It's a long story. Come and eat, I made breakfast." Lucas left the room. "I don’t care, tell me all about it," she followed him.

Lucas told Samantha everything that happened. "I did what?!" She yelled directly into his ear. "Quiet down!" He yelled back.

Lucas was the only one who knew Samantha's true self. People would see her as a nice girl with proper etiquette but, in reality, she nags and shouts a lot. "I should've given her to the armed soldiers back in the forest. God, what was I thinking?" He mumbled while stuffing his mouth with food. "I can't take her non-stop uttering anymore."

"Hm? Did you say something?" She gave him a death stare while holding a fork. "No, nothing." Lucas forced smile while moving away from the table.

"She was much easier to tame back when she acted like a kid." He stared at his food. "Instead of nagging in here, I suggest you get ready and go out. You still have to clear your name," he talked to Samantha.

"Oh, right! I completely forgot!" She slammed the table as she stood up. "Be careful! You're gonna break the table!" Lucas continued to eat.

"Wait, don’t go out yet!" He yelled. "There might be people out—"

"AAAAHH!" An old lady screamed. "Oops," Samantha closed the door. "Ugh," he growled.

Lucas went out and apologized to the old lady. "Sorry about that, it was a misunderstanding. Please don’t tell anyone."

He went back inside and purposely shut the door loudly. "Think before you act," he looked directly at Samantha. "Hmph! How was I supposed to know?!" She clenched her fists. "I give up. Let's go," he sighed and opened the door.

"Start by helping people. It may take a long time for you to earn their trust but, it's worth a shot." He gave her a hair tie. "Noted!" She tied her hair.

Samantha found and went to construction workers to offer a helping hand. She may not look like it, but she's incredibly strong. Lucas didn’t bother helping her. He just watched her from afar in case something happens.

Of course, the construction workers declined. But Samantha was eager to help. She begged by asking the workers non-stop and eventually, they said yes.

She carried heavy loads of cement in a sack to the workers. "This is a little heavy," she said in her mind while carrying the sacks. "Heh, this is fun." Lucas laughed while relaxing behind a bush.

It was finally the end of the day. "Thank you, we couldn’t have finished this in one day without you!" The head of the construction workers thanked Samantha. "Glad I could help," she smiled and left.

Meanwhile, Lucas was sleeping soundly behind the same bush he was hiding. Samantha went to him. She bent down to his ear and shouted, "Wake up!" "AAH!" He woke up in shock. "Gosh, you startled me. I swear, I'm gonna end up deaf if I continue to be with you."

"It's time to go home," she said with her clothes all dirty and her hair so messy.

They went back to the apartment. "Go take a bath, I'm gonna go buy something." He opened the door. "Don't forget to buy food, I'm starving!" She went inside. Even though Lucas had a bad attitude, he cared about Samantha. He just didn’t know how to show it.

After an hour, he came back to Samantha. "You forgot I don’t have any clothes here," she said while wearing a bathrobe. "I know, that's why I went out." He closed the door. "Here, I bought you some clothes. I also bought food. It's your favorite, burgers."

"Thanks," she went to the bathroom.

"He's acting strange. It's as if he was worried about me." She wore the clothes Lucas gave her. "Hm… never mind, I'm probably just being dramatic again."

She got out of the bathroom wearing a big shirt and pajamas. "Finally! I'm so hungry!" She screamed with joy.

The next day, it was another day of clearing her name. "How about try chasing criminals on the loose and take them to the police?" Lucas asked Samantha. "Good idea," she tied her hair again. "But I'm coming with you this time," he added. "I don’t want you to end up killing someone."

Hours passed; they had been walking around the city searching for a criminal. "This will take us ages!" She sighed. "You have to be patient," he replied.

Just a minute later, they saw someone running from a man. He was holding a box. "Help, someone!" The man cried. "Look, finally! Samantha's eyes widened. "Let's catch him, quick!" Lucas ran.

They eventually caught the person holding a box. "Help, he snatched my box! That contains important files from the government!" The man shouted. "Oh, a snatcher," Samantha said. "Return the box now!" She walked towards the snatcher.

As she was walking, the snatcher suddenly took out a gun. "Samantha, watch out!" Lucas pulled her towards him. "Oh no, this is a bad idea!" She bawled.

"Here, use this." He gave Samantha a gun. "Since when did you have this?!" She yelled at him. "That doesn’t matter! Quick, aim at him, the snatcher!" He yelled back.

Samantha ran to the snatcher as she prepared the gun. He shot a few bullets but she was able to avoid it. She shot him in the leg. "No escaping now," she smiled.

She dragged him to the nearest police station. The police thanked her and arrested the snatcher.

She went back to the man that got snatched."Thank you, if you weren’t there, the files will be taken and I'll lose my job!" He shook her hand. "You're welcome," she smiled at him.

Samantha left to find Lucas. "There you are," she said to him. He was sitting on a bench. "Are you done?" He asked her. "Yeah, want to go on a stroll?" She lifted her hand. Lucas held her hand and went for a walk.

"Today was a blast!" She started air-punching. "I feel so strong now."

Lucas laughed. They walked while the sun was setting. Soon, they reached the apartment. They had dinner and slept.

Weeks passed; they had been doing good deeds that could help Samantha clear her name. Before they knew it, Samantha's life was going normal again. People weren't afraid of her. They were finally treating her equally.

"I guess it's time for me to leave," Lucas smiled at Samantha. "Your life is back to normal; you don’t need me anymore."

Just then, she pulled his hand and said, "Stay, I need you." Lucas' eyes widened. "What?"

"Oh, uh… I mean, I won't be able to do good things without you helping." She let go of his hand. "You're like my partner-in-crime now!"

"Fine then, I'll stay. I guess you are miserable without me," Lucas laughed. "What? No, That's not what I meant!" Samantha shouted at him then laughed.

They started to fall in love again with each other. Why did they break up if they got along so well?


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