Monday, April 18, 2022

LITERARY: "Fresh Start" by: Juzmine Rein R. Iguid

Category: Poetry

Theme: New beginning

Synopsis: A poetry made for a new start.

A fresh start.

A new beginning,

Filled with forgiveness and joy,

Leaving the agony of the past behind,

And promising to myself that again, I will never be blind.

This may be lame,

But still, it can be a reminder to all.

It's never too late;

To be happy,

To be free,

To explore and to see.

See the new things that await,

New opportunities to take.

For this year, another start.

A fresh start for us to survive.

This year is giving us a chance to strive;

Also, to believe;

And work on what we want to achieve;

To do the things that we can;

And never to regret anything while we live.

I hope to see changes,

Not just in me, but in you.

For we will face new challenges.

Luck is what I wish for me and you.

Published by: Kimberly Sean A. Ambuya

Time published: 4:50 pm

Date published: April 18, 2022

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