Monday, April 18, 2022

LITERARY: "The Other Side" by Alesana Hailey Y. Olivarez


Published by: Kim Ashley Masagca

Date published: April 18, 2022

Time published: 1:39pm

Category: Prose

Theme: Action, Fictional, Fantasy

Synopsis: Miko, an average college student, went to an antique shop. Inside the shop, he saw a mirror that he couldn't bring himself to ignore. He bought it, clean it, and the next thing he knew he was inside of a mythical world. Will he stay in that world for the sake of what he wanted?


*I never knew the impact of mirrors until I got sucked by one of them.*

It was the start of a new day. I woke up and did my usual routine. As I walked towards school, my friend noticed me. "Miko!!" my friend shouted as he ran to me. "I found an antique shop. It has really cool stuff. Let's check it out!" I sighed and replied.

"Sure, how about after school?"

"No! It's going to close today! We don’t' have enough time!" he said as he dragged me to the antique shop. When we arrived at the shop, I saw a beautiful mirror. It was so beautiful that it caught my eyes. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. "Miko! There you are," my friend said. I ignored him and proceeded to find the owner of the shop.

I was unbelievably attached to the mirror. I couldn't possibly leave it in a rusty shop. I bought it and went to my apartment. I had no plans of going to school anymore. I decided that the mirror was my main priority.

 As I was cleaning the mirror, I felt strange. I saw a reflection of a black man through the mirror. I was so frightened that I couldn't move. I was frozen in fear. He raised his left foot and kicked my back to go inside the mirror. I blacked out for a while. As I opened my eyes, I was stunned to see mythical creatures in a forest. I thought of it as a dream but, it wasn't.

 An hour passed, I was still lingering in the enormous forest, hoping that I would find a way home. As I was walking, I stumbled across a kingdom full of magical fairies. While I was passing by, someone hastily hit me from the back causing me to go unconscious. As I waken, I was startled to see a ravishing fairy with tender blue eyes.

"I am Anastasia, leader of the kingdom of fairies. I have summoned you here for we need your help. You possess great power that could save this entire kingdom. Help us defeat the horrendous gargoyles. They have been destroying my kingdom for centuries. It is up to you to defeat this powerful clan of gargoyles. I have been protecting this kingdom for too long. I am beginning to weaken day by day,"*she said.

Everything was too sudden. I didn’t know how to respond to her. "What power are you saying?" I asked her. "You possess the power of fire and illusion," she answered. "What?!" I said in my mind. "You got the wrong person," I told her as I prepared to leave. "Wait!" She said as she pulled my hand. "You are my only hope. This kingdom is in a middle of a crisis," she added. I had no choice but to help Anastasia.

 I let out a weak sigh and replied, "Fine, but on one condition."

"Sure, anything!" she said. "Bring me back to my home once I defeated the clan of gargoyles," I said. Anastasia agreed and I was set to go back to the forest in her stead after a good night's rest. "Starting tomorrow, you will lead the other fairies in fighting against the clan of gargoyles," she told me as she bid me a good night.

The next morning, I went to Anastasia. "What are the so-called powers I have that you were saying yesterday?" I asked her. "See that green pendant on your neck? Once that turns white, you lose your life. That refers to the extent of your powers," she said. "But how do I use my powers?" I asked. "That's up to you to figure out," she said as she left.

"What am I supposed to do? I don't know how to use my powers! I'm gonna get myself killed the moment I get in contact with a gargoyle!" I screamed as I panicked. As I went to the forest, I started trembling with fear. Did I really want to act like a hero when my life was in danger?

Gargoyles show themselves once the sky darkens. As I was lurking for gargoyles alone, I saw something that even my eyes couldn’t believe. I saw such terrifying gargoyles thinking of a plan to ambush Anastasia. Certainly, I wouldn't allow such a thing. It was too late to call for help. I grabbed my sword, preparing to slaughter the gargoyles.

It was a risk showing in front of a huge number of gargoyles, but I didn’t want Anastasia to be harmed. As I was fighting with the gargoyles, fire suddenly came out from my very hands. As I was fighting, I was beginning to learn how to control my power of fire. Luckily, I was able to kill the gargoyles. Other fairies soon came to me. 

"Are you okay?" one fairy asked. "I'm okay," I replied as I wipe the blood of the gargoyles from my sword. "Starting tonight, no one is allowed to be alone. All of us need to be together during the night in case the gargoyles come. We can't risk losing someone's life," I told the fairies.

 We had been searching for the whereabouts of the gargoyles for five miserable days. Finally, after a week, we found the kingdom of gargoyles. We disguised ourselves as we entered their kingdom. We went inside an old palace, where the leader of gargoyles lives. While we were investigating the palace, I was astounded to see Anastasia frightened inside a dungeon.

"Anastasia!" I shouted. "Miko?" She said with happiness in her eyes. "Why are you in here?" I asked her. "I was taken by Lucario, the leader of all gargoyles. Long ago, he placed a curse on me. If you could defeat him, my curse will vanish and my kingdom will be safe. You better hurry, I don't have much time left!" She told me while holding my hand. "Don’t worry, I'll save you and your kingdom," I told her as I let go of her hand. I left and went to find Lucario.

"Lucario, show yourself!" I shouted angrily. I never knew why he kept attacking the kingdom of fairies. "Who dares to enter my wonderful palace?!" Lucario said. "You call this hideous palace wonderful? Pathetic." I said to him as I released a massive amount of fire. "How dare you disrespect the great leader of gargoyles!" His servants said as they attacked me and the fairies. I didn't know why but, anger was flowing through my veins.

I wanted to kill them all in one snap. "There are too many gargoyles! We can't fight all of them!" A fairy shouted. "Miko, use your power of illusion, quick!" Another fairy shouted. I didn’t know how to create illusions. I tried hard to imagine an illusion of many fairies and luckily, I was able to do it. "We'll use the illusions as a trap for the gargoyles. Because of my illusions, they won't know which is real," I told the fairies.

As I looked at my pendant, I was shocked to see it almost going white. "Oh no, my powers are almost to their extent! I'm going to die if I continue to fight!" I panicked while I searched for a place to hide. Just a minute later, I saw Anastasia grabbing my hand. "Wait, don’t move. I'll give you my magic," she said. "What? No, you don’t have to! It's dangerous. Once your magic disappears, you might die!" I replied to her.

"It's our only chance, hurry!" She said as she was pushed by a gargoyle. "You wretch! Shouldn’t you be inside the dungeon?" The gargoyle said. "I had enough!" I shouted as I grab my sword. I stabbed the gargoyle right in the center. "Anastasia, let’s go!" I told her. "We need to find Lucario," I added. "But how about you? You're already close to death, look at your pendant!" Anastasia said. "We'll deal with that later," I replied. Sometime later, we found Lucario.

 He was in the corner of the palace, killing fairies. "Anastasia, quick! Give me your magic!" I told her. We held hands as we created a huge ball of force. We pointed and launched it directly to Lucario. "No, no! This isn't the end; I'll get my revenge soon!" Lucario screamed in agony.

As he went into ashes, the other gargoyles became little pieces of stones. "Without their leader, they would be nothing but stones," I said with a happy face. Peace was just around the corner. The fairies will finally live in quietness.

 As we settled down in Anastasia's kingdom, fairies suddenly came to me with the scream of joy. "Hooray for the hero of the kingdom of fairies, the one who saved us from the terrifying gargoyles!" The fairies said as they praised me. "Miko, can we talk?" Anastasia said as she patted my shoulder.

 I said yes and went inside her palace. "About our agreement, do you still want to go home?" she said with sadness. "It's not that I don’t want you to go but…" she added. "Now that your kingdom is safe, I don’t have a purpose here anymore," I told her. "But, after what happened, I don’t think I want to go home anymore," I added. "R-really?!" She said as she screamed with happiness. "Anastasia, I love you. You're the reason why I don’t want to go home anymore," I said. Her eyes widened. She smiled and pulled me for a kiss.

 *It was my first kiss. I didn’t know how to react but, I knew for sure that I was deeply happy.*

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