Monday, May 9, 2022

EDITORIAL: "500" by Allen Paolo M. Mirondo

Published by: Lloyd Agbulos 
Date published: May 09, 2022
Time published: 7:47 AM

Election is coming and predators are preying. Vote buying is one of the reasons why the Philippines is "sinking deeper and deeper." Want to know why? You waste your chance many moons ago. 

Lend me an ear. If a leader has nothing to hide, let that leader step forward. Cease altruistic act for a 500 peso bill. We all need men and women who are willing to take the fight themselves. The kind of leader who are fain to risk their lives so that we can have a jewellike life. The help they offer and the hope they provide are the qualities we should look for in this country who needs a pristine engine for a rusty ship. 

Though our perceptions are different, one thing remains constant: the past can never be completely erased. It lingers. It agonizes the less fortunate Filipino people and their fortune if we choose the crooked one. Your vote is their only hope; your vote is our future.

Editorial Cartoon: Allen Paolo M. Mirondo

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