Sunday, May 8, 2022

LITERARY: "A Brave Daisy Flower" by Franxine Louise B. Teodocio

Published by: Euleen Summer Garchitorena

Date Published: May 8, 2022

Time Published: 7:21 pm

Category: Prose

Theme: Mother’s Day

Summary: A Mother’s love is always unconditional.


Daisy’s tears were dripping from her eyes. She remembered how their life was miserable back then. Despite being a single mother, she sacrificed everything and gave her all to support her children's needs.

She wiped her tears when she heard knocks on the door. It was a mailman holding an envelope, giving it to her. She closed the door after the mailman left. Daisy smiled when she read where the letter came from.

*Dear Mama,

I knew that you still remember the days you were watching us grow as days goes by. You showed us how cruel this world was, but you taught us how to be brave and strong like you. 

You didn’t know how I admired your braveness for raising us alone, and you never once let go of our hands whenever we felt blue and afraid from the darkness.

You know, I was so lucky to have you not just as a mother, but as a fearless hero, a motivator, a father, and a whole world for us. Thank you for being there through ups and downs, for being an inspiration, for teaching us to be kind to everyone, for the efforts and sacrifices you had made since then, and for not giving up despite the dilemmas we’ve been through.

You knew how I wanted to retrieve all your sacrifices and efforts for our family. I would do my best to make you proud, always. In the garden full of daisy flowers, you were the bravest of them all. Our love for you was unconditional, as we loved you more than the stars above the sky. Happy Mother’s Day.*

As she finished reading the letter, the door opened and she was surprised to see her children holding a cake and a bouquet of daisies. “Happy Mother’s Day, Ma!!” they shouted.

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