Wednesday, May 11, 2022

LITERARY: "Eau, marguerite et cendres" By Ley Anne Caringal

 Published by: Airene Nicole Q. Pamintuan

 Date Published: May 11, 2022

 Time Published: 3:27 PM

Theme: Death, Thalassophile, Grandmother’s love.

Category: Prose

Synopsis: Others consider their homes to be their houses or their loved ones. Bianca, on the other hand, called the sea her home. She knew that she belonged there. This is the story of Bianca, Eau, Marguerite, et cendres..


I always wanted to be part of nature.

I was always asked before if I would be a part of nature, what would I be, and why? 

Perhaps...the sea? It was serene and lovely. It felt…nice. I felt at peace. Maybe if I was part of nature, the people I loved would feel peaceful just by looking at me. Maybe I could lessen their pain and worries.

Maybe…if I had the chance. 

I could see how bright the sun was as I wander along the shore. It was like the sun was drawing me towards her as if she needed me to be there. I stopped walking and let the wave splash onto my foot. I knelt down and touched the water, I smiled as I felt the coldness on my hands.

One day, I would be a part of the sea. 

I stopped walking as I saw a familiar face. It was my grandmother along with my dog. Milo, my dog, was just sitting on the sand. He was patiently waiting for my grandmother who was soaking her feet in the sea. She was holding something that was very familiar to me. It was my vase with the daisy I bought recently.

Hm? What would she do with that? 

I walked closer, and closer, and closer. With each step I took, my breath became heavier, but I didn't mind. I was curious as to what she would do with my vase. I came to a complete halt in front of her, but she didn't notice me. Like I was invisible.

“You know, when you were seven years old you were always gushing about the daisy you planted in my yard. Even if I informed you it was fake, you didn't mind and continued to water it. You said that you believe in miracles. So I went out and got a real daisy to replace the fake one. You were so happy back then. Such an innocent girl,” my grandmother said.

“However, as time passed, your heart turned away from me; nevertheless, it's fine. as long as you know Grandma will always be at your side. I even promised you that I would look after you until I die. You said the same thing to me. Saying that if I am unable to move or work, you will be the one to look after me.” She paused. She looked at the daisy and back at the sea. “But you died first.”

My head started to hurt.

Death. Car crash. The daisy.

It was a rainy day and I was about to go home. I had the daisy in my hand with a letter attached to it. A gift for my grandmother. I didn't make enough time for her, and I'd like to make amends. I wanted to take her out for dinner with my dog. A lovely idea, hm? 

But we all knew that everything doesn’t go according to plan. 

The light from the truck was blinding, I could hear the tires screeching, the windows breaking and my body hitting everything around me. But the daisy, the daisy was holding on for its dear life. And me? Clearly, I was the opposite. But at that moment, it didn't matter. 

I just hope that my gift will reach my grandmother. 

“When I heard the news, I was unable to move. My only granddaughter is gone? My granddaughter left me alone? I have no one else. It was just you, me, and Milo, of course,” she chuckled. “Thank you for the daisy and letter, Bianca.”

“I remember you saying that you always wanted to be one with the sea. I want to fulfill your wish but how? And then your remains came. I…I can’t let this go because this is the only thing I have right now. But I want you to live happily.”

She removed the daisy from the vase; my ashes were thrown into the sea. 

When the vase's contents were empty, I was relieved. Because finally…I was free.

“I love you, Bianca.”

“I love you to the shoreline and back.”

The pain was gone as I saw my grandmother and Milo walking together. She was holding the daisy as if it was fragile. She was holding it like it was me.

I turned around and accepted the light that was getting me.

I, finally, was part of the sea.


Eau, marguerite et cendres: Water, daisy and ashes.

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