Tuesday, May 31, 2022

LITERARY: "High School Sweetheart" by: Alesana Hailey Y. Olivarez



Category: Prose

Theme: Heartbreak, Unrequited Love

Synopsis: It all started when a boy named Axle bumped into a girl named Elisse in a school cafeteria. They loved each other, but they couldn't be together. There was like a barrier that kept separating them.


It was the end of summer, and another school year had started.

I put on my uniform and head to school.

"Why is there a huge crowd here?" I squeezed into the crowd as I saw a beautiful girl come out of her car.

"Huh? Isn't that Elisse, the singer?" I widened my eyes. "Why would she come to a school like this?"

With her hair as shiny as gold and her eyes as bright as the blue sky, I doubt anyone could resist her beauty!

After a few hours, I went to the cafeteria for lunch with my friends. With a tray full of food, I chatted to my friends as we walk to a table. Without seeing, I bumped into Elisse.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't see you." I said looking at her on the ground with food scattered all over her uniform. "Wow, she's so beautiful seeing this close." I thought while looking at her.

"It's fine, I didn't see you either." She scratched her head. "I was too busy reading the school's schedules and where the classes are."

"If you want, I can give you a tour." I offered her a hand. "Yes, please! I keep getting lost here." She looked excited.

"I'll wait for you hereafter school, then." I waved bye to her.

It wasn't long until school was over. I gave her a tour of the school, and we ended up eating in a small restaurant after.

It was already six in the evening, and Elisse decided she would treat me to dinner. I said sure, and we went to a small restaurant.

After an hour, we finished eating. We headed out and walked to pass the time.

“Oh, I haven’t got the chance to know your name yet,” She asked me. “Do you mind telling me?

“It’s Axle,” I answered her. “Well then, It’s nice meeting you, Axle! I should get going now. See you tomorrow!” She waved bye.

It was weeks after I met her. We became friends, and before I knew it, I was already beginning to catch feelings for her.

We would constantly hang out after school and watch the sunset from various places.

One afternoon, Elisse called me to come to the park.

"Sorry, I'm late!" I panted, trying to catch my breath as I ran to her. "There was a kid lost. I had to find his mom."

"Oh…" She was speechless. I just smiled as I saw how shocked she was. After a few seconds, she started laughing.

"No need to apologize, silly." She took out her handkerchief to wipe the sweat off my face.

"Here, I bought us ice cream." She said as we walked to find an empty bench.

We sat at a bench, ate our ice cream, and chatted for a while.

“Axle, listen. There’s something I need to tell you.” She held my hand. “Hm? Why are you holding my hand…?” I blushed.

“I was wondering…if maybe we could start dating?” She said nervously.

Her eyes were closed shut, and I could feel her hands shaking.

“There’s no need to be nervous,” I smiled at her. “Dating sounds like a great idea!”

“Really?” She opened her eyes and hugged me.

It felt like a dream! Who knew a famous singer would actually ask me to date her?

From that moment on, I and Elisse started dating. Well, not for long.

She was a rich and famous person, while I was the complete opposite. I didn't even think her parents would like me.

One day, Elisse came to me. “Axle! This is bad!” She cried. “My parents found out that we’re dating.”

“I didn’t know that I was in an arranged marriage already. I’m sorry.” She looked me in the eye. “They’re forcing me to study in a boarding school across the country.”

“Don’t worry, it’s okay.” I wiped her tears off her face. “Besides, maybe it’s for your own good.”

“But I want to be with you!” She hesitated.

“I mean, there’s no way someone could allow their daughter to date a rat like me,” I said.

“T-that’s not true! You’re more than a rat to me,” She shouted. “You’re like my charming prince. Why would I ever date you if I see you as a rat?”

Her words made me a little confident, but there was no way I could confront her parents.

Before she disappeared, we made a promise. “Promise you’ll look for me when you’ve graduated, okay?” She held my hand tightly as she cried. “And once we’ve found each other, we’ll live happily as lovers.”

“I’ll come and find you in the future, I promise.” I kissed her softly so she could stop crying. I never knew that would be our last kiss.

She left the country the next morning.

And that was the day I'd sworn that I will never fall in love until I found her.

After that, I did everything in my power to graduate early. I studied hard every day. Because of that, I was able to get into a fine university with a fully paid scholarship.

It took five years for me to graduate. I faced many hardships, but I was glad I was able to make it out.

As I held my diploma, I remembered my promise to Elisse. It was time for me to find her.

I was too excited thinking about finding her that I forgot I need to save money to find her.

Luckily, I got a well-paying job because of my college degree.

After three years, I saved enough money to travel around the world. I quit my job and went to the airport.

I needed to visit all 195 countries just to find her. It was hard, but I knew it would all be worth it once I see her face.

After years of finding her, I finally found Elisse. It was in a small town in Germany.

“Elisse…?” I gasped. I found her at a carnival.

"It's been 15 years since high school, Elisse," I said teary-eyed. "I finally found you."

I lifted my hand to reach her, but I took it back as soon as I saw a man holding a young girl walking toward her. The girl resembled her so much. It was then I realized that Elisse already had her own family.

Everything I did just to find her...all went to dust. Has she forgotten me already? I understand that she was in an arranged marriage, but why didn't she persuade her parents? Why didn't she do anything? She seemed to be enjoying her new life.


Published by: Julianne Adnrei Batiao

Date published: May 31, 2022

Time published: 9:27 pm

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