Wednesday, May 4, 2022

LITERARY: Notes 4 u by Airah Nazhyna


Published by: Renz Mar M. Mangana

Date Published: April 8, 2022

Time Published: 1:52 PM

Category: Prose

Theme: Appreciation 

Synopsis: A tired soul keeps yearning for the light that will guide them throughout their success as time goes by.

Messy hair, dried eyes, chapped lips, dehydrated body, eye bags, caffeine, stressful mind, unstable mental health, sleep deprivation, skipping meals, and unhealthy foods. 

It is indeed that studying is a big part of your life until you get your degree. A lot of us have been through a lot of things that tested our patience and knowledge to something hard and challenging. On the other hand, an undivided soul of yours keeps going back to its lamp after they went through a crisis. Maybe, this is not the final chapter for us to give up, perhaps this is only the starting line that will lead us to reality and explore the world. You have your breakdowns, the tears fell on your cheeks and made you feel like you are not doing enough and it is a lot. Sometimes, when you still try to entertain yourself, you can't help but also feel drained. 

"I must face this challenge, I am better than this," she states.

"I may be losing hope but this will not dictate my future. Nobody can't," he adds. 

Have you ever felt like every time you're going to eat you'll experience a loss of appetite and end up not eating at all? Well, a cup of coffee and a piece of biscuit isn't enough to cover all of the days that you are supposed to eat on time, you can't because you have that feeling.

But now, all of your hardships and sacrifices will finally come to an end. The closing page of your character in this book will be closing and you'll be moving to another chapter and waves of life that you need to face. More challenging experiences because you only have a full book one last season before you claim the degree that you're wishing for. Your college season was looking upon you now. It is a great ride experience to be part of this school and to learn a lot of things, and to be able to meet our limitations.

Congratulations isn't just a word, it means a lot.

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