Tuesday, June 7, 2022

LITERARY: " Thallasic Protector" by Cristian Jade



Theme: Fantasy

Category: Prose

Synopsis: The ocean elementals have come to rescue the golden kingdom. Invasive shadow-folks have submerge with the water-body.



The kingdom of Atlantis have unwatered mainland. The surface of it is the ocean where the mermaids live, they develop strip of gills where you can tamper it to your neck and swim with the coral reefs. It is Neptune and  Tidreon arrival but since he already got some ocean power, his body automated to adjust with it's nature environment. He's shocked that he grows gill on his neck. He can also talk with no disturbance of the ocean pressure.

Neptune:"The great thing with the thalassic stone is that it can transform you according to you water needs like fins, gills or even mermaid tail. Any creature you shared with water can make you like them."

Tidreon:"This very cool can I simp those mermaids?"

Neptune with a mad looking face:"No."

"We'll now start your training once you finished your food here, so there'll be two part, in the ocean and beneath of it in land. You should be versatile inorder to protect everyone. We are rooting for you new gens."

Tidreon:"I would accept it and I'll meet my family once again. They won't believe it."

Neptune:"But we'll remove your memories after all of this and promise to return your life to normal."

Tidreon knew he'll miss a lot and he can't wait to tell this lore since he and Ravier are watching videos about this. 

Since Neptune wanted Tidreon to be complex when fighting in unusual place, he taught advantages like Manifest, whereas he could acquire some parts of the creatures he's sharing with water. Neptune let him explored to see some creatures and he found out some Leviathan - Monster closely related to lobster and have some neon algae tatto which has the power to make whirlpool anyone closes and scathed them even with the toughest scale. He also saw some Krakken in different sizes but it is known that Krakken grows bigger beneath the Atlantis Kingdom. He saw a lot of fishes simillar to Earth. Neptune told him to imitate the swim movement of the particular creature he wants and feel like he's the one. He encourages him because Tidreon really struggles and can only manifest small parts like his fingers and hair. Every hour they try every specie they can do and after a day, Tidreon manage to imitate five species. Neptune let him to rest and then the next dsy they continued until the third day which they learn the special techniques of each creatures. The first one he use is the Krakken's tentacle, he releases inks in a projectile to make his aim impeccable. The next one is the jellyfish tip, he could electrocute with disregarding the water preventing the electrocution to involve others. The next one is Ice Lantern, basically it looks very similar to Lanternfish but with Albino look and yellow dried eyes, this species can freeze themselves as a protection and leaves tiny glacier vapor as they walk. He acquired the antenna which glows whenever he uses it's power. It is magnificent when it fires through his hands and his pores can explode some glaciers turning his body to complete ice but his veins are immune to this kind of situation. 

Tidreon:"This is really cool, I can't imagine what I can do more. Can I copy your tail to acquire your full power?"

Neptune:"Unfortunately you would only acquire the tail for swimming agility as my power is different from others and it doesn't came natural and besides godly powers can't be easily copied by shapeshifting."

Tidreon:"Never thought about that."

Neptune:"If you can do that what's the sense of training you."

Tidreon:"You can still train me but being powerful like you is something...."

Neptune:"Work hard for something you want to achieve, you won't get things easily by just wanting it fool."

Neptune taught him different waterstyle to attack and in the fifth day they decided to train in land. 

Neptune:"Since you learned a lot fighting inside the ocean body, I'll teach you to be useful in land too."

Neptune taught him to waterbend, solidify it, equip, fly, water animal, water surfing and many more. Tidreon has an easy time imitating Neptune's Thalassic Art Technique.

The most important of his role being a support is the healing technique. Thalassic's power energy can turn any liquid to heal wounds, scars in just a matter of time. If you can master it, you can even heal dislocated bones, any kind of poison exist and the hottest black fire could be extinguished. On their sixth and last day, they focused on different types of healing at the same time, since there will be a war coming, he prepared Neptune to be the greatest support ever existed.

It's their last day at night but before they can go, Shadow Merefolk appears before them and invade their kingdom. They are taking the form of dark-green skin with claws and fin-feet. Neptune concludes that the Noctis are having cross-breed to have all-in-one fighters on any habitat. They are fast-swimmers holding a gun-hooks. Before they could even reach the kingdom they have killed some of the mermaids and eating their shadows, Tidreon is surprised on what he witness. The mermaids collapsed and the eater gains tails from the mermaid.

Neptune:"Stay away with them, they'll lurk your shadow and once your shadow was eaten, your body will never be seen."

Tidreon and Neptune handle them both and creating whirlpool with their swim rotation. They have landed out some of them. This is the perfect time for Tidreon to practice his fins and tails, he smack them with his tail, it weighs a hundred twenty-kilograms. Tidreon put so much effort on wileding it, in every splash and smack he do, the Shadow Merefolks are being sucked and dizzy inside. The longer they stay at the ocean, the more agonizing it is for them. Tidreon manifests clam on his left hand to finish it all. He finally kill them but he has to suck the bloodink they have left. He used octopus tentacles to reverse the ink blood sunction.


Published by: Julianne Andrei Batiao

Date published: June 7, 2022

Time published: 1:10 pm

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