Friday, June 3, 2022

LITERARY: "Unisity" by Axel Adame

Published by: Euleen Summer Garchitorena

Date Published: June 3, 2022

Time Published: 8:50 pm

Classification: Poetry

Theme: Unity in Diversity

Synopsis: Variations are diverse - seeking for unity. Adopt differences to achieve unity in diversity.

"Teamwork makes the dream work,"

The phrase that we shall adopt.

Not uniformity, nor homogeneity, 

But espousing the variations. 


Isn't it tiring? 

Saying we are all different, 

Accepting we're not like each other—

But neglecting the real concept of differentiation? 


Believing in our own beliefs. 

Standing with our own point of view. 

Embracing our own notions,

Yet lack of "contrast" understanding. 


Everyone wishes unity—

Sticking with their credence, 

Shall also know the variations, 

That everyone differs in each category.

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