Monday, September 12, 2022

NEWS: “UP suspends College Entrance Exam for A.Y 2023-2024” by Dhaizkie Argel Del Rosario.

Published by: April Despi

Date Published: September 12, 2022

Time Published: 11:08 am 

UP suspends the University of the Philippines College Admission Test (UPCAT) for third consecutive years. Given the deteriorating state of COVID-19, it is difficult to administer the exam in 100 locations across the nation. For these reasons, the UPCAT has been canceled for 2020 and 2021.

Francisco N. De Los Reyes, Office of Admission Director, mentioned that UP will handle UP College Applications (UPCA) for A.Y. 2023–2024 after a resolution was unanimously approved by the University Councils (UC) of the eight universities that make up the UP System. He also states that the safety and welfare of more than 100,000 student-applicants from all over the country and the 1,600 workers in testing sights nationwide are reasons for UC's alteration of the resolution.

To assess whether applicants are suitable based on the university's predicted grades (UPG), UP will continue to choose first-year student applicants using the "admissions score approach."

Students who are striving for UP are feeling conflicted. 7 out of 10 students are favorable because, despite their lack of test-taking confidence, they are confident in their ability to contribute to the UP community. 2 out of 10 students felt misled since they began studying for the UPCAT but it was postponed; they said that their prior marks were insufficient to be admitted to UP and that they had thus made certain preparations for the exam in an effort to pass it. 1 student out of 10 believes that everything happens for a reason; if it's God's will for you to get accepted to UP, then it truly is for you; otherwise, he asserts that God has better plans for you.

SOURCE: University of the Philippines

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