Monday, December 19, 2022

π—™π—˜π—”π—§π—¨π—₯π—˜: "Simbang Gabi: A Christmas-related Filipino Tradition" by Dhaizkie Argel C. Del Rosario


Published by: Aira Lindsay L. Dela Cruz

Date published: December 19, 2022

Time published: 12:08 pm 

The Spanish Friars introduced Misa de Gallo in 1669, also known as Simbang Gabi. Primarily for the farmers, it’s main purpose is to allow the farmers to attend a mass before they head out to the fields and work all day. Due to the fact that it embodies Filipino traditions, culture, and beliefs, it has evolved into a tradition among Filipinos over the years. Simbang Gabi consists of 9 consecutive night masses that began on December 16 and continued through December 24.

"Mass of the Rooster" is also the meaning of Misa de Gallo because this mass often started when the clock struck 4 in the morning. In the olden days, the church bell would begin to ring at 3 in the morning in order to awaken the residents of the town, and churches would open their doors to welcome those who would attend the Simbang Gabi mass.

Whether you live in a rural or urban state, Simbang Gabi celebrations continue into today's generation. As they continued to celebrate Simbang Gabi, Filipinos brought about certain alterations. Beginning with beautiful parol lanterns, they then added belen as a reminder of the impending birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. They can now attend a simbang gabi from 7-9 p.m. instead of 4 a.m., the hour that the mass is held has also been altered.

Some Filipino traditions were born after the mass. The delicacies that are being sold outside the church serve as an illustration of it. It came to be known as one of the classic foods that Filipinos adored over time. Puto-bumbong, bibingka, hot pandesal, and many other meals are among the items that you will see being sold outside the church. 

People today think that Simbang Gabi is more than just a custom; it is a spiritual practice used to mark the time leading up to the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. There is a story and a belief that states if you successfully complete Simbang Gabi for 9 days in a row, you can ask the Lord for anything and he will grant it.

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