Wednesday, February 12, 2025

π—Ÿπ—œπ—§π—˜π—₯𝗔π—₯𝗬: “Best Friends” by Ma. Nicole Pierre P. Saban

Layout by: Gabryael Quijano

Published by: Michelle Piquero

Date Published: February 12, 2025

Time Published: 9:12 AM

Category: Poetry

Subject: Love & Friendship

All those I have loved and will ever love,

Would have told me the exact same thing.

"We were better as friends.”

Going through our days without any thought of care or motion.

Obsessively contemplating what was now clearly adamant,

How we barely got to acknowledge one another as lovers.

Looking back, we didn't act any differently.

Having no idea how to separately treat our progression,

We became complacent in letting things go unsaid.

Years spent just like that, forming walls between us,

Until it was far too late to notice how we were truly ahead.

What was once so natural grew tainted with bitterness,

That even the thought of speaking up became an endless chore.

Through hoping for a response beyond a quick dismissal,

Gave way to the desire to just end things without discussion.

The reason why the glimpses of what we have been through,

All the possible signs we missed before the point of no return,

Have stayed to linger here, deeply ingrained in my mind.

So if by any chance that time would start all over again—

Please, if not for your own sake, then for mine.

I hope we both choose the same,

To stay as friends. 


Frost Sandoval. 2024. Instagram.

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