Thursday, September 16, 2021

LITERARY: "Mad at Disney" by: Lorraine DV


Mad at Disney
By: Lorraine DV

Underneath the moonlight of a chilly December;

As everything began to get clearer,

The strained kiss on my lips lingered.

From far away, you failed to see me tremble.

Was it the remorse I felt for the words I could not assemble?

Or did I expect too much of the inevitable?

Disney lied—this was far from what I remember.

A scene everyone longed for,

But I hoped mine would vanish as I entered the realm of slumber.

For what reason had I done the unimaginable?

Perhaps it was the feeling that has always been uncontrollable,

All because I was too feeble.

Maybe this could be a story where kids would cry once heard from the dear storyteller.

Because where was the happily ever after—

Between the two supposedly fated souls on that night in December?

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