Thursday, September 16, 2021

LITERARY: "Repeated Speeches; Shattered Future.” by: Leyanne Caringal

                       "Repeated Speeches;Shattered Future."

                                  by: Leyanne Caringal

It was early in the morning when the news showed the following participants for the upcoming election. The early campaign was already starting. I never expect myself to be hooked in any elections. I always chose the person who had a nice speech.

But now, I was at the right age to understand and to know who was worthy. I sipped my cup of milo and sat down on the bed beside me. I listened attentively and I immediately cringed when I heard their speech. It was all a cliché for me. It felt like déjà vu.

Their repeated speech kept ringing in my head. The memories flooded back, the people who needed help: the children... everything... everything was shattered. No one had ever done their promises. No one kept it. I took down notes while watching.

I always hope that someone worthy will win the elections. Just by watching the participants, I didn't know how to react. It's like putting a lighter in a fire. It’s no use. It was always the people with no use. As the early campaign ended, I closed my notebook and went outside. The moment I stepped my foot outside, I immediately knew that the upcoming six years would be dreadful.

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