Thursday, October 7, 2021

LITERARY: "A Broken Promise" by: Honey Grace Tolentino

 "A Broken Promise"

By: Honey Grace Tolentino

There are people who would stay and leave you. I could clearly remember that one thing a book that I once read made me realize. It made a huge impact on my beliefs. “People change, they leave us, but the memories stay. Unchanged. No matter how much time had passed.” It was true. I believe it was. They leave...just like how he left me hanging with his promises. “Clara, listen. Let me explain—”

“Explain what? Listen to what, Trevor?” He didn’t answer. I knew that he wouldn’t. Why? Because there was no explanation needed. If he did manage to “explain” what he just did, then that would just be a lame excuse. He enjoyed it. I could clearly see that emotion from his eyes. “Look...I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he said, holding my arm which prevented me from walking away from him. “You meant it.” Trevor shook his head in denial. “You meant it, Trevor, because if you didn’t-!” I pulled my arm from his hold. “If you didn’ would’ve pushed her the moment she started making a move on you.” 

He couldn’t speak. Because he knew for himself that he did mean what I saw. “It would’ve been fine if she was just hugging you. We both know she wasn't,” I continued.

"No. Clara lookㅡ"

 “I saw it with my own eyes, Trevor! I don't understand. How could you do this to me?" I interrupted. "I did everything for you, Trevor. I loved you with all my heart! I gave everything that I had! I even lost myself in the process of loving you.” 

I took a step back away from him. Just that and I already felt my heart getting ripped apart. “Why did you even come into my life?” I said, with as much venom as I could muster. “I was having a peaceful and silent life until you came. The biggest mistake I made was choosing you!”


“Do not come into my life and say that you love me if you’re going to leave! Do not tell me that you care if you’re going to hurt me! I am tired of always understanding you! I’m tired of everything that has something to do with you!” I shouted and pointed my fingers at him out of anger. The frustration that was welling up inside my chest for five years that we had been together. The sadness I felt for the times that he’d been ignoring me. It all came out bursting. 

Trevor stepped close to me but I tried to move away. I didn’t want him anywhere near me. I felt like a fool that had been played. “You said you love me. If you love me then why are you...doing this to me?” I couldn’t speak. Was it wrong to leave him for my own sake? He hurt me, that was why I made this choice.  “We promised not to break each other’s hearts,” he said as he finally caught both of my arms and held them tightly, not wanting to let me go. As if I would disappear forever if he did. At that exact moment, I wanted to forget everything that was not important for this exact scenario. I wanted to embrace him with all my heart. I was a fool—deeply, madly in love with this man.

Tears ran down my face as I tried so hard not to choke with my answer. “You already broke mine.” And that was when I turned to leave. To leave behind the present that would now become my past. My past...that I dreamt of as my future.

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