Friday, November 26, 2021

LITERARY: "Nothing but friends" by: Alesana Hailey Y. Olivarez


THEME: Love, Rejection, Broken-hearted

SYNOPSIS: A guy who fell in love with a girl but ends up being rejected.


How... how did this happen?

I thought we loved each other...

Turns out—it was me who was in love all along.

It started at high school. I was an upperclassman and she was a freshman. I fell in love the first time I saw her. I went up to her to talk, and before I knew it, we were already friends—of course, it stayed like that. Years passed, yet we were still friends... we were nothing more than friends. Well, I was already thankful for our friendship... but I thought something was missing—something... something in my heart... did she feel something too? That weird chills that could bring your heart pounding... or was it just me who felt that?

I still remembered the time she came to me. She was panicking saying she liked some guy. Hearing that from her broke my heart. But as her friend, I gotta be happy for her—even if it hurt.

Day by day, her romantic excitement continued. Why was she always talking about him and not me? I didn't know how I would keep up with this anymore... Should I be happy for her?

After some time, I couldn't take it anymore... I confessed to her. I told her I didn't need an answer—I just wanted to get it out of myself. After that time, we never talked again. It was like... we were strangers to each other again.


Even though I knew you weren't interested in me, I will never give up. Someday, I would make you mine—just you wait... nothing in this world could be greater than my love for you.


Published by: Julianne Andrei Batiao

Date Published: November 26, 2021

Time Published: 1:57 pm

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