Wednesday, November 24, 2021

LITERARY: The Sunset is Beautiful, Isn’t it? by: Ley Anne Caringal

Literary Prose 

Theme: Love, mild angst 

Synopsis: After a year of grieving, Ethan was ready again after what happened a year ago. Going to his destination, he walked past their favorite spot and decided to stop by not knowing what would happen next.  

“It’s been a year, Ethan. Don’t you want to go out?” my mom asked me. I smiled. She knew she couldn’t make me go out, unless... 

“Your Tita Arianne wants to see you,” she said. She put a pile of clothes on my bed and smiled. “It’s time.” I nodded slowly. She patted my shoulder. As she closed the door of my bedroom, I let out a sigh. I looked at the pile of clothes and chose the appropriate one to wear. I had no plans of going out especially today. This day...caused me a lot of damage. 


“I’ll go now,” I said. I took the antique-looking jar and headed out. The sky was a mixture of blue and black. Describing what I was feeling right now. I shook my head and continued walking. I didn’t even realize that I walked the wrong way. Now I was here standing a few meters away from our favorite place; the park.  

Am I ready? Could I go there alone?  

My grip tightened from the jar. I took one step forward and another one... I slowly walked up to our favorite spot and sat down. I placed the jar carefully beside me and looked up at the sky. The sky was now gray, a sign that it will rain. And it did. There were couples running happily...just like us before.  

“I knew I would see you here,” a lady’s voice spoke behind me. It was Tita Arianne... Arya’s mother. She was holding an umbrella. “I... I’m sorry. I didn’t realize the time,” I said while picking up the jar. She nodded and motioned me to follow her. We stopped under the big tree where we could see the clear view of the sea. “I saw this on her cabinet,” Tita Arianne handed me a letter. “It’s... for you. I think you are supposed to see this after...”


“After she was pronounced dead?” I continued. She looked at me and sadness was visible in her eyes. She glanced at the jar, “Can I hold my daughter?” I nodded, handing her the jar—her urn. I still couldn’t accept the fact that Arya was there. Arya was dead. I glanced at the letter and walked far away from them. The rain already stopped so I got back from my place earlier. As I opened the letter, my tears immediately fell. 

To Adi,  

        Hi Adi!! How are you? You did it, Adi! You survived a day without me! Now I want you to do it every day, hmm? I’m sorry, Adi. I’m sorry for leaving you all alone. I didn’t want this to happen but my time has come. I told my mom that I want to be cremated and I want you to do the honor of throwing my ashes in our favorite place near the seaside. After that, I want you to start a new life. I love you, Adi. I love you for the last time.  

From: Adi Arya:^  

“Here she is,” Tita Arianne said handing me the urn. “Thank you for taking care of my daughter when she’s alive. Thank you for loving her wholeheartedly.” She smiled and walked aside. I slowly head to the seaside and opened the urn. Memories were playing in my head.  

Memories of us dancing in the rain, us eating ice cream after passing our exams, us crying because of her favorite movie that we watched a million times... us sharing our first kiss.  

As much as I want to spend my life with you... it was now impossible.  

I threw the ashes in the sea and looked up. The sun was already setting.  

“Adi... The sunset is beautiful, isn’t it?” 

Adi – a blessing from the Lord 

The sunset is beautiful, isn’t it? - I love you but I’m letting you go

Published by: Renz Mar Mangana

Date published: November 24, 2021 

Time published: 7:03pm

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