Monday, December 6, 2021

LITERARY: "Blossoms in my Stomach" by: Jasmine C. Samio

Category: Prose

Theme: Infatuation

Synopsis: Suppressing your affection for someone is quite a hard thing to do—the more you attempt to bury them, the more they grew each day.


I sat on the ground and raised my head to feel the gentle heat of the afternoon sun

As I took a deep breath, recollections of moments with you flashed through my mind—

moments that have become memories that I can't seem to forget

"I hate to admit it, but I'm starting to like you."

I grinned and spoke to myself as if I were a fool

I hated it because I couldn't keep myself from wondering—

"will these feelings be reciprocated?"

I constantly asked myself if you'd even bother to accept what I felt for you

But, as a coward—

I was terrified of the idea that one day you would approach me and apologize

for not being able to accept how I felt

I was compelled to bury my emotions like seeds in the ground—

hoping that one day I'd be able to forget you, but dear, they bloomed.

Published by: Heather Pasicolan

Date published: December 6, 2021

Time published: 12:08 pm

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