Monday, December 6, 2021

LITERARY: "Thorned Rose" by: Sherume Esyrel L. Callao

Category: Prose

Theme: Unrequited Love 

Synopsis: He doesn't love her, but he didn't want her to find someone new, until he realized that he was hurting her so much. 


Sorry if I never noticed that I was hurting you. I got blinded by lies, deaf, and was unable hear you cry. But despite everything, you still stayed, as if I was a thorn and you continued to embrace me with every inch of my painful tip.

I did not want you to find a new home, but then again, I never gave you a roof when the rain was like rocks falling from the sky. I left you when the storm started, alone, in pain, and shivering in cold, but even behind those I inflicted upon you, you still accepted me warmly.

You made me speechless.

You made me feel special.

You made me feel like I deserved the whole world,

and now I knew nothing at all.

If one day you would choose to throw away the pebbles we both collected in the seashore back then, it was your choice. If I could only force and teach my heart to love you back, I'd try.

But still, thank you for the amazing rays, both moonlight and daylight, that you made me experience. If you chose to run away from me, I would be happy, I didn't want to hurt you anymore and you didn't deserve me.

Because I made you bleed

While touching the clouds

I dreamed to embrace before.

Published by: Heather Pasicolan

Date published: December 6, 2021

Time published: 12:15 pm

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