Friday, December 17, 2021

LITERARY: " Heavens" by: Juzmine Rein R. Iguid

Category: Poetry

Theme: Biblical, Happy

Sypnosis: A poetry dedicated to our creator.

He who created the heavens,

Amazing things that surround us,

Cute little creatures we see,

How wonderful could He be?

Our creator who gives us our life,

Oh God, thank you for another blessing in my daily life!

He's the one who listens to our prayers,

They're always heard, but the outcome is way better!

He who created day and night,

Also the One who created darkness and light,

For we can see the beauty of nature in the morning,

And appreciate the stars in the evening.

Published by: Ysabella Charis Vaila 

Date published:  December 17, 2021 

Time published: 2:43 pm 

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