Wednesday, January 19, 2022

LITERARY: "Forgotten Words of a Man" by Darein P. Catchillar

Category: Poetry

Theme: Coming of Age

Sypnosis: Years will pass, and each part of you will gradually perish. You have no choice but to accept reality in order to rediscover your bliss.


Piteous mind of a rogue soul,

He danced it through a fandango—

But was killed by a poignant poniard;

It indited another chapter of a book.

It was betwixt valid and invalid—

With poky imagery;

A jester of his insecurities,

Fumbled all eyes of anger.

A frow of his manly solitude—

In a kingdom where people gossip,

Flouted by their words;

By and then, it happened to be the most sere soul.

People could enter your life; 

Either to annihilate your realms, 

To nibble on your fantasy,

To expiate all of your mistakes.

I wrote a poem in a davenport.

It bustled all that had been screaming inside my head.

There would be a roorback in my mournful spirit,

It would listen in, safe and sound—goldfinch.

Artwork: "Ascension" by Salvador Dali (1958)

Published by: Heather Pasicolan

Date published: January 19, 2022

Time published: 2:08 pm

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