Wednesday, January 26, 2022

LITERARY: "Seek" by Axel Adame


Classification: Poetry

Theme: Self-reflecting

Synopsis: Why did I start this? Should I continue? I badly wanted to know my purpose.


My mind couldn't figure it out, 

Couldn't hear its voiceless shout. 

I suddenly lost my interest, 

Couldn't instill the grip, I wanted to rest.


Why did I start this? 

A question that extracted me from the bliss.

Should I still continue? 

I thought I waited to act and use my cue.


Badly wanted to get back on my senses, 

Not reluctant if I would make a mess. 

For the sake of finding out what my life meant,

I would gladly welcome any deterrent.


Published by: Julianne Andrei F. Batiao

Date published: January 26, 2022

Time Published: 9:59 am

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