Monday, January 24, 2022

LITERARY: "Vases" by Honey Grace Tolentino


Category: Prose

Theme: Cyberbullying

Synopsis: Everybody had something they wanted to hide. Something they want no one to know. Our world was like a huge masquerade ball. We wear our own masks to hide it all.


She only wanted to feel how to have a friend that would never judge nor leave her. Someone who would be there with her when all their words echoed all over her ears.  Someone who would be there when she felt disgusted with her body since it was not as thin as a rope. Someone who would cheer her up when she felt as if the world was only made for those cheerleaders full of confidence that no one could tumble. A world built for them, not for her.

A friend that would treat her better until the end. A person who could hold her hand and stand beside her when she couldn’t stop the flow of those bitter tears. Somebody would sit with her while she ugly-cried with all her heart. A presence who would gush out like the harsh wind to slap the hell out of those people tattering beside her ears, holding both her arms and locking her up somewhere. Making her unable to move while they filmed her most embarrassing scene with all their glory.

Those people poured violent words while pulling her locks. Those people who watched them drag her around the floor, threatening her to shout her mouth. To never speak or else her life would reach its peak. Was it fun to watch? How entertaining was it? Was it fun to see?

She did all that she could so she wouldn’t be misunderstood. Ha…so why?

She really needed someone who would pick up the crown that fell off her head and place it back on top.

Small, useless, and harmless notes turned into bloody, offensive, tear-jerking insults. Oh no! What should she do? If she talk, they would make her shut up. Someone help…oh come on! What a futile thing to think!

What now? People all around the world had seen how funny she was. But where was the star? Ah…she was hiding in her room. Lights out, doors shut. Ping! Oh no…she shattered. Ping! Oh no! She crumbled.


Published by: Julianne Andrei F. Batiao

Date published: January 24, 2022

Time published: 4:21 pm

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